Tuesday, April 20, 2004

So What Now?

My life really never ceases to be eventful.
Last night, I found out my Grandmama was diagnosed with cancer. So I'll have to be buying tickets to Kuching later, to fly out on Thursday. (My brother absolutely HAS to visit her because he's the only son by an only son.) This is absolutely terrible, horrible, and absolutely absolutely unfair!

Well, I guess it isn't, everyone gets cancer and dies eventually, but it sucks.

Well, let's not talk like she's terminally ill. Screw that.

Amounting to that, I was accused of slander today, for calling the drama troupe's director a fucking homo (among other things) online, on this defunct blog, 2 fucking months ago . Well, so I'm a potty mouth and I was really mad -hey, you had a fine time embarassing me, and now you're going to have a fine time playing me around just seeing how far you can push me.- I hate all of you. I hate this shit. I hate school and I hate the system. Burn in hell.

I can't believe a staff, from the college, actually went to search up the guy's name, actually clicked that blog entry (well, it said FUCKING *****) and actually read it. Do they have nothing better to do? You'd think as grown-ups, they'd really have more to bother about then some teenage girl ranting about how much she hates being insulted during an audition.

This reminds me of an ex- teacher who told my parents I was sleeping with my boyfriend because she was 'concerned'. I wonder now, was she really? There are somethings that are meant to be confidential when you confide in someone, and she totally breeched that. Some people are just nosy-parkers, gossips and fire-blowers. Maybe she really was concerned, but right now, I'm too pissed to believe that.

Don't tell me I was asking for it.

Anyway, away from that retarded bit of pain in the ass.

Mr. Big was so nice as to tell me he'd pray for my Grandma last night. It's just lovely to recieve such messages from someone to tell you that hey, they kinda care, early in the morning, when you're getting up for another nightmare of a weekday.

I have so much more to write, but I'll really have to be going to get those tickets now.
Then salsa later, and the Hot Tub ;) (NOT Justin's tub.)

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