Saturday, May 22, 2004

Altoids and Oral Sex.

Mr Big and I were waiting at the lift lobby, on our way to catch a movie -it had already taken us the whole morning to get the hell out of bed and do whatever it is people do in the morning (of which includes brushing of teeth, sex, coffee and realizing food in the 'fridges of bachelor pads are always past expiry date)- when he asked me if I'd ever had well... I didn't know what he asked me. I'm not very used to the yank accent STILL. But I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, because it sounded like something I didn't have.

"You wanna give it a go... Or are you too tired?"
I still didn't know what he was getting at. So I just nodded my head.
Then he grabbed my wrist and ushered me back into his apartment.
"Do you know what Altoids are?"
"Uh yeah. I read about it in a Gaiman's American Gods. This teenage girl was talking about how great altoids made oral sex."
Then it dawned on me that he had one of those awful Listerine breath mints in his mouth. (Damnit. But I AM tired, and I feel so clean. Oh well.)
I went along with it anyway, and it was allright. Nothing compared to my daddy's shaving foam, which is so minty it's no joke when you nick yourself (Not through oral sex. While shaving. Gah.).

It was erotic.
It was all hot and humid and absolutely quiet and the only sounds were those of breaths and sighs and pleasure.
My leg was coiled around the speaker stand and and my hips where on the armrest of the filthy italian sofa.
And this is where the whole thing ends when I over-estimate the stability of the damn speaker stand; I don't know what happened really (Why would I be noting something like this in the midst of well, heighten physical bliss), but the speaker fell off the stand.
He didn't bother about it, but I am still embarassed about it.
I think it's spoilt now.

I felt the need to go to the bookstore today. Good thing I went. I was waiting for another 20% discount to pop up before I finished my Sandman Collection, and that was JUST what they had today! I bought another graphic novel, Palestine by Joe Sacco. It looked cool; different. A great way to relieve myself of ignorance pertaining to the middle east. Heh.

Anyway, while I was there some retard called me. I think I freaked him out, but hey. I was busy indulging in full colour books filled with cool ads featuring naked tattooed celebrities.
Me: "Yes?"
"Uh... Is this... uh..."
Me: "Yeah. What do you want."
"I want to be friend with you, could you make friend with me"
Me: "Go to hell."
Ugh. Where did he get my number. I have no idea where he's from.

Watched Shrek. Hilarity! :D
It reminds me somewhat of Swan Lake.
I love the dragon/donkey chimeras. There are SO many things about the movie that makes it SO wrong for little kids. And pinocchio's pink thong wasn't the worst of it.
"Lie! Tell a lie, any lie! Say you wear ladies underwear."
"I wear ladies underwear."
-nothing happens-
"Oh my god. You DO wear ladies underwear?!"
-Nose grows-
"Oh mY God! It's a thong. And it's pink too!"
And they made a movie based on Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 days! *grin* I love seeing stuff like that. Think Treasure Island and the Count of Monte Cristo. I love Disney *grin* This movie looks absolutely fantastical.

Photoshoot tomorrow.
You should be too.


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