Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Several Notes

Allright, for some reason, a lot of people have been emailing me with regards to the post on religion a few days ago. A lot of them have mentioned free choice. There is unhappiness on Earth because God has given us free choice.

I used to do a lot of pre-ordained evangelism (it was part of the regiment of being a Christian in the institution I used to attend) and I’ve used it many times previously. I don’t think it makes sense any more, because the truth is, there can be free choice with out hurt. I can choose to eat an apple or an orange, or if you think that is frivolous, to love either Ethan or Martine. I have the free choice to do what I wish, within the very simple moral law that anything goes, as long as you consciously try your best not to hurt people. So technically, free choice and a perfect world are not contrary to each other.

Besides, if you believe in that, then free choice is not a concept that exist in heaven, since heaven’s supposed to be perfect. In that case, all it’s for is so that you would choose to love God. I think that’d stupid. He should have just made us all love him. Most of us love our parents anyway, and we weren’t given much of a choice on that. Regardless of how horrid they can really turn out to be sometimes, we still love them because of the nature of the relationship. And who is the idiot who decided that within Love of God itself, there is no free choice. How I love him will certainly be different from how you love him. And even how you choose to love him today will be different from how you would do so tomorrow and had done the day before. Couldn’t he have made that one big decision for us, leaving the smaller ones to us. I’m already having enough of a headache handling the smaller bits.

That aside, I’d better say something about the blogger’s brunch Chris at Myrick pulled together last Sunday (this? Depending on whether Sunday is the first or last day of the week to you). It was a little surreal but fun nonetheless. To me, it was kinda like playing celebrity. Telling MediaCorp to suck it; that we can make ourselves celebs and have lazy Sunday afternoons with little –allright, not so little- Sunday brunches like they do. I think the next time we should do one of those champagne buffet things. There’s just something about meeting people you’ve read, it’s even better then meeting someone you’ve seen on TV, because the person you’re getting to meet is the dude who’s actually written the script for his show and got it somewhere himself. All this as opposed to some talent challenged freak monotonously repeating lines by inspiration challenged screenwriters.

It was fun, I felt a little stiff at first, but nothing a glass of wine doesn’t fix. Most of the people got really friendly after awhile, although I do believe more alcohol could have been going around. But regardless, some of us had our asses planted to our seats for a good 6 hours.

Mr. Brown has said more about it here.

This is also the reason why I've decided to stick in a Singapore Blogs link section, read them, their good for you. I think.

The G-Spot is leaving for good in a week, and I’ll be meeting him tomorrow afternoon to return him all the things he’s loaned me, and to watch a film with Liv Tyler and Jeremy Irons in it. Oh, and maybe a good-natured, good-bye shag, perhaps. I’ll miss him. I must say it has been such a fantastic trip, having gotten to know him for a better portion of last year. We’ve not been hanging out much recently, we haven’t hung out much at all in fact, but he’s been there for me at certain points when I really needed someone, and I really appreciate him for that.

He’s going back home to pursue something he’s always wanted to do, something terribly, insanely artsy-fartsy, and thus something I completely agree with. Funny thing is, I may actually be joining him come this July, when I finally go back to school.

I told you it was a small world.


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