Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I just finally managed to read the ST article about me. The one with the picture of me in the red top,. If anyone needs to know the background of that photograph *laughs* I'd shot it on National Day's eve actually, and had posted it someone back last year, just for the heck of it.

Anyway, I'd really like to thank Melissa (the reporter that did the article) for writing what she did, and trying to get it through to the press without losing the tone she had intended for it to have.

I know the whole affair is no big deal, and the idiot that was worried about people outside thinking that Singaporeans might be seen as dirty minded should come to realize that people outside are not thiking that SIngaporeans are too dirty minded. In fact, they are thinking we are a bunch of sexually deprived, unnecessaryly anal people who like making a big deal out of nothing. But still to me it is a big thing, because it is my life out there on the bloody papers. I can't possibly help feeling that way, can I?

And that crazy chick who thinks her brother might get a porn adiction because he sees a naked photograph of me really needs to rethink her sensibilities. What are the chances that that little boy stumbles onto one of the millions of unmonitored XXX sites and the chances that he finds that picture of me? And add to that the scale of arousal he will hit of on an animated gif of two lesbian teenagers fucking each other with a big black dildo and the level he'll hit looking at my breasts; you know what I'm getting at.

For heaven's sake, your children are sexual, and they will find sexual arousal in anything. If you really want to protect them from sex and masturbation, I suggest the best thing to do will be to remove their imagination. But the Government wouldn't like that. Seeing as how we are trying so hard to make this into a vibrant arts city.

That will be a criticism for another day really. For now, I will be heading off for dinner at a cute cafe and yet another season blockbuster, with an emohasis on Bust. And because I've got such a fantastically fantastic imagination when it comes to all things erotic, I will be spending much of my night tonight thinking about how her nipples look like underneath the leather femme fatale outfit.



  1. i haven't read everything. but i probably will when i have the time... i just read an article about you. googled "SPG blog" and found it. i'm a guy, and like any other, i was interested in something naughty. perhaps because i've been here a few days, sexually deprived, and looking for anything, a flagpole or a desk, that i might be able to dress up and with a skirt and bore a hole into --anything to put my penise into... but to my surprise there were no pictures (as the article said) but i was hoping you changed your mind and put them up again... i was looking for anything to amuse myself.

    i was inspired to read and write again. scanning thorugh some things-- i like Vice mag too... and i smart writing and wit too.

    i'm surprised that there's anyone like you in singapore. like any tourist, the first few times i was here i was excited, then it creaped in to me slowly, on nights alone in my hotel room, that singapore can suck.

    it's boring, "people make a big deal out of nothing".

    i fly here once a month for work. i'm in the entertainment business, if all goes well i fly in and out until december.

    i go from liking singapore to hating it. it can be like disneyland, after a fewe hours of bullshit you can get sick of it. a stupid theme park, who are we kidding, except that it's not.

  2. Super
