Friday, July 01, 2005

Email on religion

And calling another person a bitch isn't a sin? Weren't the pharasees criticized more then the prostitutes in the gosples?

What makes you think the bible is so accurate anyway?

Remember how when we were in Sunday School, they used to tell us how the devil would come in pretty packages? The prettiest package is the semblance of holiness and the divine. Maybe the church isn't so innocent afterall.

The 10 commandments were not placed for us to abide by, they were dictated to reveal our flaws. When we have realized we cannot abide by them, then we are humbled enough to let the death of Christ serve his purpose. If we could abide by them, then there would have been no reason for him to shed his blood.

Is murder a sin, is sex a sin (there is no such thing as casual sex. There is however, responsible and irresponsible sex) what is sin anyway? We are violent, we lust, we desire what is not ours. The 10 commandments isn't the definition of the things that are sinful, the 10 commandments is a list of things that are part of human nature.

Was Christ put up on the cross to cleans us, or was he crucified for the sake of faith. So that people have something to believe in. Faith (scientifically, the placebo effect) is a powerful tool for human happiness.

That is why I believe in Christ, because it improves my life.

You have no right to judge that.


I've an entire booklet filled with thoughts on Christianity and God, believe me, I have thought a lot about it.

Do you know how Heaven looks like, or how it feels like. How does hell look like to you anyway?


Death then Life.
Non-exsistence before Existence

How can the death of someone 2000 years ago possibly bring us eternal life. Do you even know what eternal life is? I don't, no one does until their dead. Eternal is absolute continuity, no beginning, no end. Life is the EXPERIENCE of the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual. Body, mind, heart and soul.

Eternal life is the absolute continuity of the experiences of the body, mind, heart and soul.

The belief in Christ, or any other deity/deities (even in ourselves and science) completes that experience. THAT is how I believe Christ brings eternal life.

Give it some thought, and do not be so quick to criticize. All of us believe in different versions of God and in this world, there are no absolutes. Some of us like to believe there are, and live by them, because the belief in the absolute doesn't require us to think very much at all. But there are no absolutes, otherwise innocent people wouldn't be dying, little children wouldn't be raped by priests. Life is so precious, but death is so random.



  1. I just chanced upon this site today and I have to say, your insights on religion are very similar. I personally have spent alot of time thinking about it. One thing I agree with you wholeheartedly though, is that there are no absolutes. Or the only absolute is that there are none. Things are rarely as simple as black and white. Even gender isn't as simple as male/female. There're merms, herms and ferms. It doesn't take much thinking to accept absolutes. Maybe that's why the teeming masses are so willing to accept them. Because they're too lazy to think about it.

  2. hi...'there are no absolutes'. this statement itself is an absolute statement, it cannot be true?

  3. if i were to place a pen an arm's length away from my face right in the centre, using only each eye to look at it at different timings, the pen would look as if it veers to the other side, yet it's position is still the same.

    remember: always look at things from all points, left right up down.

    Who is to say that faith is a placebo? ain't happiness a perceived mental state of mind that so many people hanker after?

  4. argh.. u bring shame to christianity..

    anyhow, your writing talent's awesome.

  5. Hi,

    I have been reading your post fir abour 2 weeks. You seem like an intelligent person with excellent writing skills.

    Just a few comments I have on your article on religion:

    I know that the Bible is absolutely accurate because it was never found to be wrong. If you study the Bible, you will find that the many different author Prophesised the same things even though they never met each other or seen each others writings. Secondly, there are no contridictions in the Bible.

    It is true that it is impossible for us to live by the 10 commandments, but that does not mean we should not try. The Lord said, if you love me, keep my commandments. If you are a Christian, which constitutes far more than just knowing the Bible and going to church, you would love Christ and keep his commandments. It is true that the 10 commandments are things that are part of human nature, but men are born with sin and thus need the Lord Jesus Christ..... He said, " I am the way the truth and the life, no man commeth to the father but by me." When we accept Christ, the Holy spirit will dwell within us, NOT making us perfect people, but "a new creature." One better suited to combat the temptation to sin.

    To answer you question.... murder is a sin, but sex is not a sin. I believe it is a gift from God for two people who are in love and Married to enjoy. Sex outside marriage is fonication and is a sin.

    You are also right to say that the Devil can assume any form, even the church. It is also written in the Bible that the Devil will try to undermine the church. Thus you can may hear that the sermons given in many churches become very diluted..... just telling you how to be a good person and not a child of God, which requires far more.

    It is true that the pharasees were criticised more than harlots. Most of the harlots the bible focused on were those that were repentant. Many of the pharasees on the other hand were uunrepentant. You will find that Jesus is always hard to the unrepentant and forgiving to the repentant, no matter who they may be. Murderers, thiefs, harlots, all who repent and seek the Lord will be saved.

    Christ died on the cross for our sins. Not for faith. In the old testement, a sacrifice was always requied for forgiveness from the Lord. The sacrifice used were lambs. God sent his son, Jesus as an ultimate sacrifice, for the sin of all men present and future. No other blood sacrifices are necessary anymore. We just have to repent, ask forgivness from Christ.

    I have no right to judge you becasue few men can say that they are far better than another. We are all sinful in the sight of the Lord.

    You seem like a nice girl and I wish you all the best. I Hope I did not offend you, I just wanted to help if I can.



  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. A spunky gal like you should not be bothered by what ancient peoples recommend.

    Religion is for a more naive age.

    For an alternative view, dip your fingers into

    My best wishes.

  8. islam is the latest religion, it overwrite christian
    go here
    have a nice reading

  9. I totally agree with Jon. Hope you keep religion & God out of this. No need to start something stupid with this topic pls.
    What you believe is your business.. nobody's gonna judge you or your life...


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  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. hey your writings may be controversial to some, but i gotta say that on reading some of ur writings i feel that i really have to agree on some of your views. i share a similar perspective with u on the subject of religion.. as i was reading i was like damn.. she put my thoughts into words! anyways. keep doing wad u do alright?

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  14. To the last anonymous post at 11.08pm: If you're not going to post anything constructive then don't post at all. Personal attacks don't reflect very well on you.


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  16. Oh my gosh, you are one ugly mama.

    Please stop rationalizing your difficulty in getting Singaporean men by saying you like white men.

    The simple fact is that few Singapore men would want to do anything with you sexually.

    There are far too many better choices of women. One would be in pretty pathetic shape to choose you over other women.

    Besides, it is likely that the sort of white men you attract are old gheezers who have to resort to paying transvestites at Orchard Towers to get a blowjob.

    If that is the sort of guy you like, more power to you.

    Would some white trash please marry this Stupid-Pathetic-Girl and get her out of Singapore?

  17. Didn't you love the freedom of expression?

    Sarong Party Girl / SPG
    Isabella Chen
    SAJC 2004

    Angry SAJCian

  18. Just to say that I felt thoroughly inspired by this post (but when I first read this post, comments were still disabled). Though an atheist myself, I feel not exactly any doubts cleared but religions start making alot more sense to me - since a faith is really what is close to your heart and it really is something you define through experiences and so on. Really appreciate the insight!


  20. There are no an absolute statement, so exactly how sure are you?

  21. There are no an absolute statement, so exactly how sure are you?
