Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Unberable Lightness of Being

I've got so much work to do. A painting I need to finish painting, a list of essay titles I need to come up with an elaborate upon (so that I can push my writing to cool indy Singapore publications. Mostly run by expats, and I wonder why's that).

But to all those that have eyes and a brain to go along with it, this site is just great. I've no idea who he is, aside from the fact that he's Italian, believes that republicans are some of the most insecure men ever born, agrees that the organized religion was clearly created to exploit the common people ('equal? When the Church spent so much time explaining they are NOT equal, that some are good and some are evil and some will go to Heaven and some will not, and that the Pope and the King have much more rights than the laymen?'), and that Brits are cool, etc. (Which I completely agree with. They're weird, and they're cool, and they'll suck your toes at a bar while suspended upon the shoulders of two of their mates)

Allright, you get more then an 'idea' of a person when you read his blog, right down to specific... gender preferences
('In my ideal world men are androgynous, women are strong and emancipated, and penises are inside panties. They are used to pee and to please women.').

He's as sharp as they get when it comes to cultural commentary (imho), and funny as hell, with a humour that's just as dry.


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