Monday, July 11, 2005

Virginity For Sale

I met Kevin for dinner today, and we had a fine talk about virginity for sale. There’s apparently a lot of it going on in Singapore, but then again, there’s just a lot of sex going on in this country, so what does it matter. He told me this rather odd story about a girl that sold it off for slightly over a thousand bucks. Lovely rational. She thought she might as well make something out of it, it’s better then losing it to a boyfriend who’ll not give her anything for it. Besides, who really cares about that piece of hymen very much these days anyway. Men who will pay several thousand dollars and a college education for it aside. Better then the way I lost mine anyway. I got nothing out of it, ‘cept a puddle of blood and a few moments of freaking out, wondering if my nails had some how cut myself in the midst of experimental pre-adolescenct masturbation.

The bulk of the day was spent painting, and I’m now editing photos for a new set on Suicidegirls. There are public places you can strip in Singapore. You’ll probably get fined if you’re not careful; but I’d make sure I’d brought a good pair of running shoes.

Had much funs last night recording one of my more erotic narrative entries for the BBC. I would never have guessed that British radio would be interested in the finer details of Singapore’s slow move towards liberalization.

Elan didn't answer my call. Pity. I feel drop dead wild today; the transformation into Lady Deathshag normally comes about this time of the month. You know, when girls can make babies. It's scary how we're all so vulnurable to horrmonal changes, but that's the way it is. And not all failures can be blamed on a lack of self-control. Prudence isn't so much the result of having superb self-control as it is having a non-existant sex drive.


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