Friday, August 19, 2005

Institutionalized Art

How odd.

So I skipped one day of class in college last Friday because I was in Sydney and the lecturerer gave me shit about it. My rational was basically, hey look, I had to choose between a crazy experience in Sydney and one of your classes, which I didn't think I would have missed out much on in terms of personal or techincal development. Besides, it's a fucking ditzy art program. It's foundation year, and the way I see it, foundation year should be about personal development. And I did cough up a totally wearable, completely cool leather outfit. Talk about Visual communication. I'm sure as hell I got my point across *grin* The arse crack viewer certainly did it, no doubt.

I quite enjoy the course really. Drawing class is fantastic and I find myself getting better by the hour. The film prof. is completely wonky, really sexy, very affectionate, loves Fedrico Fenilli and finds Tony and Jasper completely hiliarious. And she is so gorgeous.

It's quite odd, but falling in love with one guy has kinda ended up in me noticing other girls a great deal more. And all of a sudden, there are all these amazing women around me that I just can't wait to have fun with. If they would have it.

There's this girl in my class, Luna, who's got the sexiest tattoo on the small of her back and Neil Gaiman's signature beside it, and anyone that dares do such a crazy thing is certainly worthy of my desire.

Richard has invited me to London next weekend, and his dad's kinda paid for it, so I'm going. Isn't that great *grin* I've got half a mind to invite Luna along and cover part of her fare for her.


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