Friday, February 05, 2010

Guts vs Money.

So, while planning this move to Holland, I have sent my dear friend Trina a message to ask for some advice on "just packing up and going" with a lot of guts and very little money. I have met several people like that in the last few years. One of them was a girl from Siberia who moved to Budapest on exchange... and never went back. If you think your luck is though, some other people have it tougher. And they make it anyway. All you need is a whole lotta guts, a lot of determination... and a ban from Facebook.

Here is Trina's advice for cute girls in the artistic/writer industry that just wanna pack up shop where ever in the world they are and GO.

1) Book a ticket. a lot of things will fall into place once you've decided to go.

2) In Holland (or whatever country X), get out there!!! attend events, functions, get inspired, party, and make contacts, socialize and figure out what exactly you want to do first, either by doing all sorts of random things or talking to everyone. i'm lucky cuz nyc has all sorts of trade shows for fashion, which is where i get contacts. partying is important too!! all the contacts i get is from random basis! there are many jobs in the world which spore doesn't have, esp creative side... just try to get exposed to the existence of them first.

-- LOOK GOOD. seriously. see how the people in that industry dress up and step up to those standards... it's all superficial, at least in NYC, and people need to know that they're talking to a professional. not sure how Holland is though, but Europe is generally more chill.

2) WORK on your portfolio!!! Once you've figured out what you want to showcase, make specific ports for whatever industry. Don't just put out general work from school and expect employers to place you... esp given the current economy. show how you think, and definitely brush up conceptual and technical skills. start by buying magazines or whatever to see who you're competing with in Holland.. design is super advanced there be careful! if you're thinking of story-based work then focus on that... don't try to do everything-- do what you're good at and be honest with yourself.

3) Come prep with CASH! i wasted too much time looking for places to stay... in fact my first three months here was more survival than anything else. which is good in a way, because I'm more integrated with the city now that i've stayed in 7 (!!) locations. (I.e. Cash is important, but something good can always come out of not having enough).

As for visas and all that, honestly you can't do a thing about it without at least an employment offer (freelance or otherwise) to get approval. So do what I did and get out of Europe and back to renew your thing, or try to find company sponsored job in three months. so don't think about that until you're there.

I will write more on prep-ing to move to Holland as this plan unfolds.

Manifest Destiny I say! Namaste. 


  1. i dun really know if you're gonna read this.. but here goes anyways.. this post in particular really floats my boat and i admire your courage for it.. ballsy!! well keep posting eh. i know it takes alot of will to post.. maybe you can compile all this and maybe publish it..loving the posts.. hope all is well..

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