Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Liz + Stef :D

So it was Liz's and Stef's birthday yesterday. It was pretty epic, I'd never seen her this trashed before. Usually she sits around quietly checking guys out and occasionally complains about how crap all of them are. But she was really friendly last night. At one point she was sitting on some random guy's lap outside the bar, unnecessarily and continuously reinforcing in all our brains how drunk she was.

She "I am SO drunk. I mean, been drinking since 2 pm man, with this Swedish model... 10 Margaritas in the afternoon alone..."
Me "Yeah you're drunk I know. I can see that. You're normally not this friendly. You're sitting on a random guy's lap out on the pavement."
She "Ho! You're right man."
Me (grin) "Damn right you're normally a bitch."
She "Yeah babe. Totally. Fuck this."

Extrapolate this into 2 more hours, and that was basically our night. Well, what else man. Mine is in 2 weeks, it's going to be epic. I hope. It's such a pity Joris is not around, he had the ability to make things epic. Both him and MGM. Damnit... I miss the guy -_-"

Oh, and plus their cake SO wins.

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