Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Back in Singers.

Okay geez. Who fucking reads this anymore, but I guess I should update it regularly anyway to keep my friends feeling like they still wub me. Or something. Whatever.

Back in Sing, met up with the lot. Phil, MGM, my crazy ass sister who is even crazier than ever. They're all still as lovely as ever. But of course, how else would it be. The D&D real life RPG group is still happening (it's just an excuse to pretend I'm 12 and drink lots of beer, not like I need one though). I know more about it now after spending cold winter months rained in playing computer games on a 27in Mac.

Anyway, I guess I better face it. This blog won't have that much slutty activity going on any longer. I mean, Dani and I try to slut it out as much as possible you know. Seriously. We've even talked about it while frolicking through the fields about engaging in lewd kinky behaviour with a rotating tag team from various dodgy sources. And okay I'm not ruling out the possibility that it'll happen, which it will. But real life kinda sets in for all of us, and I'm no longer a student hobo, and since I've tried the tantalizing prospect of high class escorting and found it not at all suitable for me (c'mon, me in the service industry? Eh, fuck that.) So work it is!

So, I'll just blog on random stuff I guess. God knows what.


  1. To quote the words of Harold Macmillan, 'the wind of change is blowing.....'

  2. "...real life RPG group..."

    The way you say that makes it sound like a group that gets all slutted up in crazy outfits then has group sex ;-)

  3. Well, my fave parts of your blog always been about you opening about your family, and whatever you feel within your heart and mind.. your life experiences and such. Not necessarly the slutty parts. :P

    I´m glad you´re back to writing, I was missing it. Hope you´ll continue to write such interesting things.. whatever it might be. ;)

    Goodluck with your life, wherever it may lead you!

  4. Happy NY Izzy...

    Yeah, I'll read whatever ya got to say. An opinionated, devil may care attitude, erotically driven, artistic writer... all sounds good to me!

  5. never missed a day to check out this blog. THANK YOU for coming back. I dont care if you blog about sex or anything, but i need my daily dose of substance. which i find it rare these days.

  6. I read it and I've missed your postings.

  7. After a long absence from reading blogs, I still remember your blog. Hope you continue blogging. Its good.

  8. Hey, I still read please don't stop writing!! And I have been following you for years already.

  9. We are still reading :)

    But of course the slutty parts make the spice. So now we have to take part to know about them?

  10. Still following your post, waiting for more sexual and kinky stuff to read

  11. love your writings. hope you will continue to post more :)

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