Thursday, April 15, 2004

Apparently I CAN like local men

Only if he has a fantastic business sense, a godawful sense of humour and happens to be my very illustrious salsa dance instructor.
I had a great time at Xenbar today; Justin taught me how to do some mildly erotic shines. He also kept on pointing out the way my butt shakes when doing the suzie-Q. I don't really remember what he said exactly, but it went along the lines of "Look! See they way she moves. Nice butt." Then after a couple of moments and demonstrations -to the rest of the class "You all ah, stop looking at her butt. Don't try anything funny, she's still seventeen (I'm not). Very under-aged." Gah.

Well, not as bad as me telling him he was 47 and then saying that he could be 45. That was embarassing. But what was I supposed to think? He was the one who told me he was really old, and then later on convinced me he was 55 with grandkids. Ugh. He doesn't look that old, seriously, probably about 33. It's just that, coupled with the way he kept on going about how he was 'very old' he had a remarkable travel experience all the way from, oh I don't remember. Argentina to Nigeria to the States and back to Indo-China. So that sorta made it more possible for me to believe him.

Yes, I can be incredibly niave when it comes to things that don't really matter a great deal to me. But what's the point of trying to scrutinize whether people are lying about their personal lives or not, it's not like it's going to affect you in any particular manner.

I guess Justin is one of the very -oh so very few- exceptions I'd make in my stand of not lusting for local men. But I suppose I wouldn't date him, and I seriously doubt I appeal to him. That's another strange something I noticed about the local men who go for me. Single 30 something guys -the only age when the local males start to actually make a substantial income-simply do not see a romantic attachment in me. If they do, they usually have a girlfriend they plan to marry; and to them, I'm just a little something for their amusement. Sure, as long as they pay my price for amusement; and I'm not talking about the erotic, filthy sort of entertainment. I don't think I could do that, unless they paid me lots and lots of money -and they don't have lots and lots of money-. I suppose local guys at 30 are looking for something entirely different from the expats -at any age- that are here. The former are starting to settle down after half a decade of nagging from relatives at Chinese New Year, the latter... Well, I suppose they would be accessing how that sweet thing in the black dress (probably heathing up the floor at New Asia, or The Next Page, or whatever) would look like on top of them, in bed, in a pair of laced knickers and fishnet stockings.

Anyway, Justin bought a hottub for the club.


It's on the top deck with the alfresco dining area. I saw him half-naked with a super soaker and a tank filled with ammunition strapped to his back. ("Hey man, those must have belonged to your grandkids") I told you he had a bad sense of humour. Oh well, men never do grow up, and in a way I'm glad for that. I love playing He-Man and Shera in bed.

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