Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dinner at Nicolas.

The Fixer invited me for dinner last night. I had a perfectly regular evening planned with Flo (gym, movie, shag), when I got a message from Fix asking if I was free for dinner. I wasn't, but I figured dinner with him would be a lot more amusing than the night I'd planned (because I had planned it I knew what was going to happen, so that's not very exciting now, is it).

It turned out that the chef at Nicolas had given him a +1 invitation to his restaurant. There was no menu, we just sat at the bar and ate whatever he made us. The food was stunning. Seriously. Oh man. I'm not a foodie, but this was probably one of the best meals I've ever had in Sing. It was one of those places that served tiny portions of each course, where every little detail is well thought out. Everything was just perfect. And I had pigeon. I didn't know it was red. I thought it'd be white, like a chicken. But it's meat is actually red. 

We talked about food, MGM and other assorted topics. At some point, MGM sent me a message along the lines of, "You should have told me how you felt, I didn't realize. Sometimes I go off on my own solitary adventures and ignore my friends. It's not cool, but I'm like that. You can ask Mr. Fix it. We can talk about this anytime."

I show the message to the Fixer and he told me, "Yeah, he's like that. I thought you knew him better. I got used to it after knowing him for several years." 

I told him I knew it, but I didn't really know it, you know? I guess I expected it, but just didn't deal with it as well as I should have. Plus, the fact that I get insecure about the value of my company when people start ignoring me didn't help. I just felt like maybe I was starting to impose on him, and that was why he was behaving like that all weekend. He's usually a very lovely person to everyone around him, until when he's not. I guess that would be confusing unless you were used to it.

We had a little conversation with the chef before they shut the place down. Turns out that he was born in the Congo. The one that was formerly known as Zaire. We talked about Africa for awhile. I always love talking about Africa. You can talk forever about it because it's so beautiful and so full of horror simultaneously. It was also one of the most rewarding holidays I've ever been taken on, my only regret was that I wasn't as mature enough then to fully appreciate it, and the wonderful person that took me. <3

The Fixer and I then planned to have drinks on Ann Siang hill, but as the cab passed The Scarlett, I told the driver to stop and let us out. I hadn't been to that place for ages and ages. The last time I was there was probably to get some fetish photos done, a long, long time ago.  

Tom was around the area so I told him to come and meet us. I figured he would get along well with the Fixer, and I was right. Later on, I insisted we go back to his place, because his place was cool, and he has a really good bar and knows how to make drinks properly. Not to mention the really good collection of single malt whiskies. The whole time we were there, the Fixer was constantly checking out his library. (I made him browse through Lost Girls. You can read the post I wrote about it a month back here. Tom's not very pleased that the Godel, Escher, Bach just missed the shot by a few inches to the left).

Honestly, his flat is like a candy shop for cool nerds. When I grow up I want to have a flat just like that, but with a cleaner bathroom.


  1. İnsanların ortak gereksinimi olan cinsellik üzerine açılmış olan Sex Shop lar sadece Türkiye’de değil bütün dünyada yoğun ilgi görmektedir. İnsanların kendilerini tatmin etmek amacıyla başvurduğu ve aradıkları materyalleri bu tür marketlerden temin edebiliyorlar.
    Sadece Baylar değil Bayanlarında gereksinim duyduğu bu marketler birçok kitlenin gerek duyduğu önemli alışveriş merkezleridir. Son Zamanlarda gençlerin ilgi odağı haline gelmiştir. Türkiye’de Seks Shop lar çoğaldıkça ilgi düzeyi de artmaktadır ve vatandaşlar bu marketler hakkında ki bilgileri internet üzerinden sağlamaktadırlar. Çeşitli kategoriler altında satılan ürünler İnsanların tam aradığı düzeydedir. Dünyada büyük ilgi uyandıran ve hemen her ülkede örneği bulunan Erotik Shop Her yaşta insanın aradığı merak ettiği ürünlerin ihracatında bulunmaktadır.
    Bu marketlerin sattığı ürünler internet üzerinden de alışverişi yapılabildiği için daha güvenli ve gizliliği korunur bir şekil almıştır. Üstelik bu ürünlerin garantili olması insanlar üzerinde olumlu bir etkisi olmuştur insanların bir ürünü alırken onu önceden kullanan birinin ürün hakkında yaptığı yorumları takip etmektedir internet üzerinde bulunan kullanıcı yorumlarından. Seks Shop larda her ürün cinsiyetlere göre farklılık gösterebilir. Mesela bay müşterilerin aldığı bir ürünü bayan müşterilerin alması söz konusu olamaz.
    Özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinden uyarlanan Erotic Shop lar batılı ülkelerde yaygınlaştırıldığı gibi artık doğu ülkelerinde de yaygınlaşıyor. Erotik Shop larda satılan ürünler son derece gerçeğe yakın olduğu için insanların beklediği düzeyde kaliteyi göstermiş oluyor. Sex Shop lar sadece bekâr insanların değil evli çiftlerinde ilgi odağı durumundadır. Cinsel hayatlarında meydana getirmek istedikleri değişiklikleri marketlerde satılan ürünlerle gerçekleştirme imkânı bulurlar. Sanal ortamda bu tür uygulamaların ve aktivitelerin tanıtıldığı için insanlar marketleri dolaşmayı pek tercih etmiyor internet üzerinden ürününü beğenip markete alışverişe gidebildiği gibi bu alışverişi internet üzerinden de gerçekleştirebiliyor.
