Friday, April 23, 2004

Moral Bigot?

It was 2 fucking A.M. and some guy, from the methodist church I used to attend messaged me on ICQ.
I wished I remember to save the conversation, it was... well maginally amusing.

He started of by telling me that the World taints the inner soul. And that I was a creature of the world (Well hello? We're living in it aren't we?") And that God was disappointed I had drifted so far (Who are you to judge where I stand with God?) And that we are accountable and anwserable for our own sins (I don't believe that. Out sins were accounted for on the cross and the purpose of Christ is to take out place in bridging the gap bewteen God and Man and answer for us, because there is no way in hell we'll have a good answer for God.)

So I tell him he sounds like a moral bigot, and please stop bugging me, because it's not going to change anything. I've tried repenting ever since the time I made out behind the camp dormitories in some East Malaysian Jungle when I was 12 and guess what? Well, I've still been sinning ever since. Ah, it sucks to be sin concious, so bugger of bigot and leave me be.

I know I must sound like a hypocrite or whatever. You know. But my beliefs are my own, so. *shrugs*

Mr. Grant just called me too! *grin*

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