Thursday, August 04, 2005


I've been unreasonably tired these days. They generally start of with an unreasonably long commute to school (which wouldn't be all that unreasonable if I didn't continously lose my way on campus), some whacking around with paper and pencil in class -I don't think I ever found school so fufilling. At least I get to bring back something everyday. I'd go back, attempt to finish a painting that's been sitting in the living room for nearly 2 weeks now or write some bullshit that I try to push to print publications, or any number of other vaguely productive activities, then make out with R for awhile before we both agree that the human body would require a variety of excercise (i.e. aside from schtomphing) and I'd make for the gym.

It is quite strange how I work out differently in a gym and when I'm doing it in my own time outdoors. I find myself more concentious with doing muscle training when there are machines that look straight out of a Sci-Fi torture chamber from the 1960s. The Princess can't believe I've joined a club full of gay men, not when there was another newer one down he street that catered more specifically to a female cliente. It didn't appeal to me though. Women in gym settings are catty, period. It's always who's body is hotter, and I'm sure I'd feel depressed because some of those ladies mean serious business, and I'm just one of those I-workout-because-it's-therapeutic kinda girls.

It has occured to me that the common intepretation of 'someone you can live with' is completely depressing, because that's not what its supposed to me. When I say live, I really mean LIVE. I don't mean tolerate, I don't mean do the dishes, I don't mean just going to church on Sundays (although I like that, as I'm sure my parents do). I mean really feel alive. Feel like everyday is just so cool, and that there's always something to do. Someone you can do all sorts of crazy shit with, the crazier the better. Like they say, nothing makes us feel more alive the thrill.

I know I'm not writing very much these days, but there has simply been no time. There are so many stories to tell, but so much to learn at the same time, and I've taken the latter for the moment.


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