Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Self Acceptance

There comes a point in time when you start to think it’s time to say something about something, and there is absolutely no reason why you should postpone it any longer. And the time is now.

Yes I know about Xia Xue, and of course I’ve certainly seen the gif animation she made with that fateful photograph that got me all the (then) unwanted article in the Straits Times. A friend sms-ed me while I was in Bali (OMG, XX made your tits move!). I’d been freezing my ass off on the side of some mountain then, in clothes more suited for the lower altitudes of Indonesia, so I didn’t give it much thought. Although I must say I did feel offended at what I thought it meant.

Coming back to Singapore, my sister showed me the… dissertation of the shape of my breasts (and what can be done to improve it), and I was quite pissed until I saw the .gif. I couldn’t help it, but I cracked up laughing. Even Tori laughed when she saw it again. She’s my sister, and sure as hell she loves me to bits and respects me in her own way and in ways she thinks I deserves- but she laughed.

There and then I though, what the hell.

Men are always making fun of their penises. They do the weirdest things to it. Look at the shit on the web, on top of sticking it in about a zillion places that it shouldn’t be in (and taking photographs of their cocks), they stick plastic eyes and direct puppet shows with them, they sing songs about how their dicks let them down after several pints, and every one that’s grown up or is growing up in the age of internet pornography kinda finds it sick, and maybe a little disgusting, but still… somewhere in them, they also admit, it’s actually pretty funny.

Women will always look at another girl and target the things about her that aren’t perfect. Sometimes even their best-buddies. We may not say anything, we may even praise the bits about them that are lovely that day, but secretly, we’d note all the not-so-nice things about them. (She’s gained a bit of weight, she’s got an acne outbreak, she looks exhausted, etc). I personally wouldn’t bother to critique another woman’s body (what bothers me mostly is attitude) and I’ve seen girls the size of Selina Tan pose naked for the camera, and you know what? I don’t think, god-damn she’s fat. I think, hey cool, she’s having fun and she’s pretty brave for daring to strip, despite her size.

Look, goddamn it. There’s something seriously wrong with this world and it’s a pity so many don’t see it. Me stripping doesn’t cause several million teenage girls to cultivate eating disorders, it never caused depression in anyone, it never resulted in any one killing themselves by living of three peas a day or something like that.

You want to know what I think about internet nudity? I think it’s mostly a good thing (Annoying XXX pop-ups aside). And here’s why:

Most people discover sex at about age 11. On an average, people start wanking of at the dawn of adolescence. You can attempt to hide how intercourse is performed by say, keeping the kid under lock and key with the only piece of literature he’s ever to read being the Bible. And trust me, he will find a way to get off on that. People have been wanking since the dawn of time, and there’s nothing any moral zealot can do to stop it, and there’s nothing wrong with it. The problem comes when the individual develops and addiction. But hey, the Marquis de Sade didn’t need the internet to become the deprave sexual maniac that he’d eventually turned into (or that’s what they like us to believe these days anyway).

Internet nudity is a mostly paranoid or progressive economy phenomenon. You have to be significantly technologically developed in order to have the internet, and someone you know definitely has to have to have a digital card-reader or a scanner to participate in the whole affair. If you look at the people producing internet porn (or nudity, or whatever) they are mostly from first-world countries. So in most cases, people who are on either end are not being exploited.

In fact, better they produce internet porn then prostitute themselves. No one ever got a fucking disease from jilling down.

Yes, there are some sites that cater to pedophiles. God knows where they got the little children to strip for them, and yes, those sites are dangerous. But pedophilia is so much more complex then just people wanting to fuck kids. I know a guy who gets off solely from reading literature concerning pre-adolescence. He’s married, and as far as I know, wouldn’t fuck a kid, ever. He simply finds it a turn on to be taken back in time to that point in his life where he was an adolescent too, and to relieve the passionate moments he had had, then. In my opinion, as long as he’s continuously aware of the fact that he isn’t 14 any longer and that it would be a terrible thing for him to even attempt anything with someone that young, then he can feel as good as he wants to with his fantasies. We all have our moments when we wish we were ignorant pre-teens again, where every sensation was new and pure and completely exciting. But we also have to acknowledge reality.

I digress. At any rate, pedophilia will happen, internet or no internet. It is bad when a kid gets screwed, really, really bad. Period. But that’s a sick part of humanity that exist, that I do not condone, but that also only constitutes a small fraction of internet nudity and pornography.

‘Everyone knows that the internet is changing our lives … However, it certainly appears that the main thing the Internet has accomplished is the normalization of amateur pornography. There is no justification for the amount of naked people on the World Wide Web, many of whom are clearly (clearly!) doing so for non-monetary reasons. Where were all these people 15 years ago? Were there really millions of women in 1986 turning to their husbands and saying, “You know I would love to have total strangers masturbate to images of me deep-throating a titanium dildo, but there’s simply no medium for that kind of entertainment. I guess we’ll just have to sit here and watch Falcon crest again.’ –, Chuck Klosterman, Sex, Drugs and Cocoa-puffs.

So there you have it. Most internet nudity and porn is created by people who want to do it anyway, because 1) it’s an ego trip (I agree with this) 2) It turns them on thinking about other people masturbating to their pictures (this does nothing for me) 3) Stripping is fun, Suicidegirls definitely beats watching re-runs of Alley McB. (for quite a lot of people it would seem, considering the amount of naked people on the web) The list could go on, but there you have it, some reasons as to why the people that do it, do it. And they aren’t reasons that are bad. Like I said, my stripping didn’t cause anyone any problems, except for those that make it theirs.

Stripping never condemned anyone. And in my opinion, condemnation and the fear of it is the biggest killer in first-world societies. It’s been proven. Stress is the biggest murderer in developed nations, isn’t it. If we weren’t afraid of being condemned by society as failures, we wouldn’t be so stressed about everything, from money to getting married to our funerary arrangements (you better burn me a Mercedes when I’m gone ah, Ah Boy). Freakishly, that’s actually mentioned in Revelations (12:15 - Condemnation as tool of death, not the necessity of burning paper cars).

But I’m no priestess; but hey, Singapore is about religious tolerance, isn’t it? So you better tolerate mine, because I’m sure as hell tolerating yours. Enough with the brochures on telling people at Bugis Junction that we are all going to hell, Unless.

Anyway, just leave the people who are proud of their faces and of their bodies alone. You’re not expected to make love to them, you’re not even expected to look at them, so why look and get sick and slap them like it’s their fault.

I know a number of girls that strip for the camera, and they are some of the most nicest, coolest girls you’d ever meet. Nurses, Primary school teachers, Military air-craft pilots, SIA cabin crew. Your Grandmother. I’m just kidding. For heaven’s sake, the digital camera is so popular for many reasons, and nude photography is one of those things. And it’s not a reason, it is one of THE reasons.

‘…people who aren’t obsessing about internet porn are missing the point, because that sleaze was the catalyst for everything else. I doubt that pornography has been good for the advancement of society, but I suspect it’s done wonders for the advancement of computer technology.’ –Klosterman.

I say, if it gives someone else pleasure, and doesn’t infringe on anyone else’s well-being, then who are you to deny her that? In my opinion, Suicidegirls (I use the site so often because I don’t know any other company that has got the philosophy of the joy of nudity and the appreciation of the spunky modern uninhibited female down to pat so well as they have) has probably done much, much, much more good for hundreds of girls out there in terms of self-confidence and self- appreciation then any stupid school program about…What The Hell, I don’t recall anything in school that cultivated self-confidence. In fact, when I was in School, they mostly like to tell us how we had the fashion sense of slobs (and we’d say how they had the fashion sense of wedgied nerds) and how some of us would never amount to anything –some of my teachers did, anyway.

You know what, forced morality never made me happy. There are a whole lot of people that live according to some impossible bunch of laws on how to behave, and they aren’t happy. There are a whole lot of people thinking they are doing the moral thing by blowing up clubs and sky-scrapers and people’s homes, and they’re dead.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I understand where you're coming from and respect the fact that you're doing it because you love it.

If people cannot take it, it's up to them, why get so uptight about them unable to take what you do? Ignore them and let them behave like babies...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Appreciate it if you stop cross posting across all of Izzy's blog postings -- ie. you obviously take time to write something ... so contribute something intelligent or shut up!

Now that my rant's over ...


Wonder what happened to the picture of you with the banana. :) Guess it's gone now. (Was trying to figure out what you had scrawled across your chest ...)

Like the new masthead, think you're brave to put your face up publicly. Just wonder what your parents must be thinking, but always good to know that they're still behind you, and you still respect their wishes when push comes to shove (like removing problem images ...)

I may not agree with all you think and say (in particular on your views of Christianity << remember that your body is the temple of God >>, and I don't quite understand the difference between responsible and irresponsible sex vs. sex within marriage vs. sex outside of marriage), but I admire your courage to live your life as you feel it, and to record it and share your thoughts about it with others.


Anonymous said...
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klrx said...

i liked it before when you posted art (your paintings are quite unique) and stuff. i guess its a whole new thing for you now. =)

Anonymous said...

dear anonymous,

your writing clearly shows sexual insecurities on your part. perhaps you didn't get your much needed shipment of viagra this week? your heavy (and unforgivably lame) use of cultural cliches and stereotypes, and your overall judgmentalism communicates that you have the pitiful intelligence on par with a premordial microbe. you are everything that educated civilization loves to hate. so please fuck off and return to whatever dark cave which spawned you.

dear izzy,
i am much impressed with your enlightened thoughts. the world needs more ppl like you, i think. sexuality is taboo precisely cause most societies are patriachal. sexuality detracts from the patriachal need to expand and to dominate. sexuality says 'make love, not war'. do you see how this impairs society's obsessive need to recreate itself (elsewhere) through war, for example? just throwing some thoughts.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Oh dear, people dont seem to like you very much ... so many nasty comments! I've never browsed through your comments box and this is the first time. I've been reading your blog ever since I was studying in London (introduced by a friend) and personally, I think, just ignore these people (but then again, I'm sure u're pretty good at doing that! =) ).

It's true that many of your beliefs do not match with those that are part of the Asian culture. I did have a hard time adjusting to the conservative mindset of our culture when I first came back. It's not that the culture that most Sinagporeans live by is wrong ... it's just that it's different. But since the society that we live in is insisting that we are part of a liberal and free society, people should start to realise that there are people out there who actually hold views and perceptions that are different. If you are not receptive and positive towards conflicting arguments, how can you ever grow as a society? I am not saying that you have to accept every single opinion that this girl shares. Of course, one should be discerning enough to decide if something worth accepting or not. And if you should so decide that it's trash and not worth incorporating into your culture/belief, it does not mean that it is wrong and therefore, deserves to be criticised and humiliated.

Yes, those of you who criticise her will say that this is a democratic and free society, and so, you should be allowed to make your views known. But there is a difference between making your views known and pouring insults and criticisms. Such statements like she needs a nose job, or whatever idiotic job, is clearly insulting and it reflects a lack of graciousness and culture on the person insulting. If you do not believe in her views, just tell her so and substantiate it with logical arguments or provide your own beliefs or views. There is no need to insult her looks and make yourself look unrefined and childish.

I myself do not always agree with what she says and I do have my own views (albeit strong ones at times) about certain issues but I do not see any need at all to condemn her. Yet, I do find her take on life rather refreshing and insightful. It does provide a different perspective on things I have never thought of in that light before.

Grow up (some) audience, and if you cannot say something constructive (whether it's constructive criticisms or compliments), then perhaps, it's better not to say anything at all ... lest it reflects the immaturity and shallowness of you as a person.

Kat said...

All the posts from angry singaporean guys are really funny. Guys, you're not proving her wrong, you're proving her right with your nastiness. I would not want to screw singaporean guys either if you're all nasty like that - get back to your mamas tit.

Love the new photo, you have a luscious body and should be proud of it. If people on here are saying you have a decadent and ostentatious lifestyle I am going to die laughing. This girl does not hurt anyone. You people should pray for more people like her, not more horrible, judgemental people like you that the bible condemns. I think you've committed more sin than SPG.

Anonymous said...

It's your life,you can do anything you want with it,don't worry about those hypocrites,they are just being jealous because they have neither the guts to pose nude nor the confidence to show off their bodies ,btw ,your photos to me are ART not PORN as i don't look at them with coloured eyes,and in my opinion, i think you are pretty in your own way.Those people should get a life not you.

Anonymous said...

Izzy - I must admit, what XX did in that entry in her blog was a real put-off. Hence the first part of this entry is very gracious and I'm impressed with your attitude. :)

I know I should ignore that stupid anonymous but I can't help it. He pisses me off.:

Anonymous, STOP being an embarrassment to Singaporean men already! Sheesh.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Nice to see you're coming to terms with things and taking it all in your stride, the nasty comments and all. But I'm just wondering if this post was meant as a retort to l'il pink bitch's (you all know who) take on your breasts?

All that aside, I'd like to think your Singaporean readers can forgive and forget (or am I being bloody naive??) so blog on, Izzy! *lol*

Anonymous said...

stripping is fun. i should try that .... on a cam :-)

yeah, u don't look good, but so what. don't paste ur pics here. just talk about sex and the guys will cum like bees to honey.

Anonymous said...


Look at all the comments...
you don't even have to post your response cuz you are having supportive bloggers defeating you over those pathetic losers.

Know what,
continue to live life to the fullest. Do take care of yourself in the decisions you make.

For your age,
you've been there, done that. While many ladies out there older than you are still searching for an identity and their own horizon. You've acheived in accepting and embracing who you are.

cheers SPG.

Anonymous said...

Heyz~ Been reading your blog for quite a while after it appeared on the ST, THE Governised-Paper. As a matter of fact, I find your blog truly titilating and definitely bold.

Although the above comments speak of your preference to White Men instead of Asian Men, the truth is we Asian Men - including myself - aren't an attractive catch after all. Because I'm also one of em' :).

And for those bold enough to comment, they should be revealing their idendities instead of hiding under the veil of anonymity. What's there to lose face about?

Keep writing babe :).

Anonymous said...

Been following your blog for quite sometimes, my view is you're brave and the first singapore girl to start the ball rolling. I dared to say, no singapore girl dare to do what you're doing. keep it up, I supported you. I've send you my email in another comment, do keep me post on your party

To other reader,

I'm not sure why anonymous become singapore guy ? I'm an singaporean myself and I fully supported that everybody have their own view. If you know who is anonymous, do say this singapore guy name rather then condemn singapore guy.

from singapore guy - ray

Anonymous said...

Bravo. I really applaud your thoughts. Can't say I agree with all of them (the pedophilia one got me frowning abit) but I like the you put your thoughts out there with your own face attached to it. Too many faceless strangers shooting off the side of their dicks to even dare do so. Someday I wanna see a straight guy strip and talk the way you do. But then again, since when do men have the balls for that eh?

Oh I am a guy btw. =P

As for that silly xx girl, thats what she'll always be lah. An inisignificant girl determined to snatch as much attention as wasn't given to her by her fmaily etc. Way things work in this world, vindictiveness and spite gets on the front page of newspapers these days and good people always finish last. Readin what she did to your picture in here, I ain't surprised (cos' i have the misfortune to be personally acquaiinted with her) but I'll say what thing, you definitely write with class.

Way to go.

Jadenster - www.upsaid.com/jaden

Anonymous said...

To those guys who defend this SPG, drop the hypocritical BS and just ask for more of her pictures to wank off to.

To the girls who defend her, why not set up your own blog with naked pictures to satisfy your closet wish to be seen by the world.

Don't pretend to take the moral high horse. That moral high horse you think you are sitting on is merely a donkey.

Anonymous said...


To the above Anonymous: You see so much naked women, f*$k & f*$k. In the end, you realise you gain nothing. :-)

Anonymous said...

specksofthespectrum, sour grapes you say?

What genius made you say that?

Do you think we envy SPG's body? Please don't make me fall off my chair! :-) I am laughing so hard!

Do you think we envy her face?

I think you think that SPG looks better than you, and therefore worthy of your loyal support.

You certainly can't be supporting her screw-every-white-male lifestyle, can you?

Anonymous said...

It's no big deal really. Perhaps you may want to stop harping on it and everything will blow over in one news cycle. In fact I am getting really bored of this.

The thing XX did with your pics, I think it was meant to be funny (though at your expense). I don't think she meant any malice at all. So cut her some slack, SPG fans.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ah Huat, it depends. If you have to rely on naked bodies in the internet to wank off, than it is really pathetic.

If you read about self-important pontification by impressionable girls (who post their naked pictures to get attention and then cringe when they get the wrong kind) and LAUGH, that's laughter therapy.

Anonymous said...

As I read on the comments posted by various people, I understand where you are coming from.

Those who claims to be Christians and those who are trying to lecture her, can I say this?

Let he, who is in no sin, cast the first stone.

None of us are perfect! Are you perfect? No right? People do things different and like different things. If everyone is the same, then, God would be a boring God. He wouldn't have even given us choices to make.

We have to understand and know that its good for us to have choice. We are allowed to make choices and know that this is a gift from God to us.

Yes, we have to help one another. However, the bible teaches us to encourage one another and love one another. Do we get changed by scoldings or do we get changed by the love people showed to us? It's surely with love!

So please, if what she does is right/ wrong, she is answerable to God. Yes, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We have to treat it with respect. What difference does it make when you comment/ critise a person's body? Isn't that the same as critising the temple of God?

She might have some doctrinal problems but I'm sure she's learning from the school of hard-knocks.

She do have some wrong values and is a product of MTV. What people need is not condemnations. What they need is encouragments. (I am not saying that we should encourage her to strip/ get laid more but focus on her good points)

Anonymous said...

That thing XX did with her tits was seriously funny! Why doesn't SPG post more naked pix, so that XX can be more creative and show us the funny side of life?

Anonymous said...

SO all this anonymous flagging is all over the fact that she was from SAJC issit? You mean you still can't get over the "I Love My JC" shit? Come on. How old are you? 16?? I was a Saint since I was in primary school but I still love Izzy. Go fuck a spider lah, Anonymous Loser.

Anonymous said...

Unless this mysterious "Anonymous" is Xiaxue herself... sounds mysteriously like it.. has her style too!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

rwr, wow you sound angry. Were you abused sexually when you were young?

Anonymous said...

Ah Huat is not a Christian. And I'm not here to lecture SPG. She's free to talk about Sex and post her nude photos. And I'm absolutely a normal man who has sex desires.
I like her nude photos too but I just find it difficult be aroused or get interested with endless sex topics or nude photos. :-)) Hey guys, pls don't shoot me.

Anonymous said...

So rarely do we see a girl flashing her tits for the world to laugh at, and then get mad at the laughter.

Thanks SPG, for my daily dose of laughter.

Keep it up! Post more pictures, and give us more rants on forced morality.

Morality isn't the issue.

Obliviousness to one's shortcomings, and posting it for the world to laugh at, and then whining about it IS.

Anonymous said...

Ah Huat, please don't let SPG make you think this represents Christianity.

What she rants about is NOTHING about Christianity. It is abhorrent, misguided and sad.

Anonymous said...

SPG obviously believes in the idiom "if you have it, flaunt it".

It's a pity that her self-awareness is not up to par with her true image.

Anonymous said...

The whole world may be against you but as long as you are doing what you enjoy, what doesn't hurt others, I don't see any reason why you should stop.

Humans will always try to bring others who are stronger down, but secretly, they wish they have guts just like you.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you this. If the whole world is against you (including your parents and love ones), you should stop.
Even SPG had to bow to pressure from her parents to remove her photos. Don't anyhow suggest people to do things when you can't do. I agree with you when you post your nude photos here.

Anonymous said...

. Hey hey, I equally enjoy reading
. blogs by SPG and Xiaxue and many
. others that are totally frank and
. honest-to-self and bold enough to
. subject themselves to any sort of
. comments and criticisms online or
. off...
. And I agree with Jaden and others
. that SPG writes with class, and a
. certain sophistication and maturity.
. But nobody likes to be criticised.
. Let's not point fingers at people
. or criticise them, their looks or
. views, as all this negativity can
. serve no purpose other than make
. this world even more unhappy...
. At the end of the day, there is no
. absolute RIGHT or WRONG, these are
. dependent on viewers' perspectives
. and background etc...
. Let's all just be DIFFERENT, and
. enjoy and take pride in that, and
. ultimately, to understand that
. other people can be DIFFERENT too.
. Hope to see more positive entries
. and inspiring stories from SPG and
. all other bloggers, which we can
. all benefit from, and much less of
. the typical offensives, please...
. Edric

Anonymous said...

SPG obviously believes in the idiom "if you have it, flaunt it".

<----- wait.. remind me again.. what does she have?

Anonymous said...

Please post the nake picture so that It give me the pleasure of Mxxxxxbating . I am a young teenager . Thanks

Anonymous said...

YOU are voluptuous and proud of it. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

majority of the people who post here are pricks, aside from myself of course. nothing better to do than waste your time away?. "come to spg's blog and comment!!".

Anonymous said...

oh hear hear SPG!
Insightful post!
am very glad u r happy with where u r right now.
In life (ur own) u need to be happy n satisfied.

And dear Anonymous, your comments are unnecessarily harsh and sometimes borderline psychotic.u r thrashing in a sea n trying not to drown.at the end of the day SPG is happy with herself and her body.Granted she may not have the curviest of bodies n prettiest of breasts but she loves herself for who she is.

girls today NEED to be taught that.they NEED to be taught that their breasts frm A cup to beyond r still beautiful.they NEED to know that their bodies curvy or skinny or watever r attractive.they NEED to know that flat or j.lo butt..they r still loved.
girls of today have forgotten to look at themselves in the mirror n see beyond the seemginly unpleasant n unattractive image they see in front of them.

and dear Anonymous, if you have such storng views and what you feel are intelligent anti-opinions towards SPG's lifestyle then place a name where your comment is. Why are you so afraid of being identified? True courage is standing agaisnt a crowd and presenting your opposing views in a civilised, calm and composed manner while identifying yourself. Own up to those views. Do not hide behind a facade of words for they mean nothing without a named originator. And..most ppl who bitch back about ppl like SPG lack her courage and satisfaction with her life which is why instead of applauding her their jealousy leads them to attack her.

Anonymous said...

YOU are voluptuous and proud of it. Good for you. <---- voluptous?? her?? are u sure? if u think she is, u havent seen voluptous..

Anonymous said...

To critise / hate is simple. Just shoot.....

Most difficult is to accept and forgiving.

I hoped all reader to control your feeling and input your view from your perspective and not personal attack please.

If anonymous continue to hide at the corner and keep critise the blog. SPG will soon shut off the comment function. Is this what anonymous desired ?

Anonymous said...

At least I feel she's better then XX anyway. Those that explains why XX doesnt have comments enable on her blog? H a h a.

::upz:: for you spg. I doubt anyone would like to marry XX either.

Kat said...

Out of curiousity I went and read XXs blog...she should just move to American and be done with it, she's exactly like all the Western camgirls so it is very boring to me. What she's doing now has been going on for the last five years. I've seen way to many 'cute' neck breaking shots for it to be interesting now - is Singapore backward in that regard?

Now SPG - whatever you may think of her has strong opinions. She rocks the boat so to speak. Her opinions are not limited to clothes and boys and this is also why she's so controversial, tits aside. Xia Xue reads like every other western girls blog, complete with lame pictures and loads of pink. Sorry XX but you've been done a hundred times before - I know you're commenting anonymously on here too. If you want to be silly and sweet and ineffectual go right ahead make your pretty and simple animations sweetheart - you are far more likely to be forgotten as there are thousands of bloggers like you.

As a female, I find SPG inspiring. To the person who said that females who read this site should just go and blog nude themselves - you're showing your extreme lack of education. I dont need the attention thanks, but I really admire a girl who will post her highly controversial views (regardless of whether I agree with them), along with beautiful photos of her body.
There is NOTHING wrong with a naked female body. Nothing. If it is against their will then yes it is wrong, but if they freely choose to show it, in a safe environment then this should not be criticised. You people all need to visit France where they have naked people on TV a lot and no one cares.
As for her views on Singaporean guys, I really don't blane her - the attitudes of most of the Singa guys on here is disgusting. As a white female I used to love Asian guys (I think they are very good looking) but they have a terrible moralistic mother complex that makes me sick. Not all I know! But the ones on here certainly aren't proving SPG wrong.

And just so you can see how similar XiaXue is to everyone else:


Anonymous said...

It's good that she's proud of her own body.
I don't see any faults in it.
It's also good that she has her own thinking.
Rather than some blind followers of a particular blogger we know.
Why bother to read her blog if you don't like what your reading?
You're making yourselves feel pissed off. Not her.
Try harder.

Anonymous said...

hi there, i just chanced upon your blog and read all that's been happening, am a Singaporean but is studying in Australia. Before i go on,i would like to applaud you on your sense of dignity. You know who you are and what you want and you aren't afraid of hiding it. You dont act to please others but you face the world,as no one else but yourself. ignore the bad comments and take it in stride. bein a girl is hard but what makes it harder is the mask we have to put on for society. With more people like you, we dont have to hide anymore, we can finally be who we truly are... with loads of love from down under ... Ritz

Kat said...

Great comment Ritz and it got me thinking. SPG would you mind writing a post on what some of the Singaporean slang words mean like 'cheem' and 'siao'? Can you also explain the concept of 'face' to us? I have Chinese friends who roll their eyes about their parents having to keep 'face' but I'm not entirely sure what it IS!

Anonymous said...

"face" is the equivalent of publicly displayed respect or in the us street culture "props".

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Enuff with these stupid brouhaha. There are bigger and greater issues in the world already.


Take care and all the best.

Anonymous said...

any chance the more self-righteous among you realize that there are several Anonymous people here in the forum?

Anonymous said...

You have proved that you are so much more mature than XX. You use words to prove your case, whereas, she has to stoop to the level of using visuals of your body to state a point. She might insist that she means no offense, it wasn't meant to insult, but come on, it's the female anatomy we are talking about being subjected to ridicule. Because I sure as hell know that if someone did a .gif image of breast, she would cause a fucking uproar and diss that person till thy kingdom come.

So cheers to you, you have my full respect.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but laugh at this post becuz it was done so well and boy, am I impressed with your resiliance and how well you handle the situation. I've been dying to tell off XX. At 1st her musings were well, amusing, but right now, it's gotten goddamn childish and a damn pink AND (fake)blonde bimbo. I would love to kill the person if he/she ever copied my picture and pasted it on their own blog. She's complaining you aint pretty, but look who's photoshop-ing her own pictures? yuke yuke.

XX, if you're reading this, WHY ARE YOU HERE IN THE 1ST PLACE? YOUR PRESENCE HERE IS OFFENSIVE. Izzy may not be a beauty queen but she's got spunk, she's witty, and hellofa lady to boot. None of your 'amazing' photoshop skills can ever get to her level of writing. Musings NEED talent. Photoshop ONLY needs practice. Hey, i do photoshop as well, it ain't that hard. Dumb fake barbie.

Anonymous said...

SPG's body is pudgy and her face (while it is the stuff of old gheezers' wet dreams) is ugly.

It is offensive that such an ugly specimen of woman can diss Singaporean guys, just because she can't interest any to have sex with her.

Anonymous said...

If SPG is so thin-skinned, why would she post nude pictures of her un-inspiring body for the world to laugh at?

Anonymous said...


you are a master of understatement when you stated that Izzy MAY NOT be a beauty queen.

She is a QUEEN alright... And she might win the annual transvestites pageant.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I decided to read your blog seeing the uproar that it has caused, and I must say that I'm very impressed. You write with dignity, class, and style.

I saw one of your pictures before it was removed, and I thought it was beautifully artistic.

I'm Singaporean, was in SAJC, but studying in Australia now, and I see your point in Singaporeans being too bloody uptight and un-open-minded. Overseas, nudity is common, and the sight of crazy white boys/girls running across Uni stark naked isn't a big deal.

Suffocating, isn't it, to be home? It's something that gets to me every single time I return back to Singapore for summer/winter breaks. I've quite given up in attempting to influence everyone here to loosen up a little.

Anyway, about Xiaxue, she's plain childish. Leave her in her candyfloss world. You keep writing the way you do, babe. You're one sassy chick.

And Singaporean men, really. Please stop embarassing yourselves further.

Anonymous said...

i think the way you are is perfectly fine. and those who call you names and all are just plain shallow because they do not understand what is different. they make a big fuss of being modern and open but look, they are nothing but what they hate and avoid.

art is subjective, so's nudity and every thing else. how shallow for them to leave nasty comments, when they themselves, know nothing of art.

you have an interesting blog, izz. it never fails to keep me thinking.

Anonymous said...

Haha. You must be so mad....but must control...your....teMPER....
So that you can maintain that artsy mature characteristic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Izzy, I've been following your site. Love your literary style and your spunk..:) Keep it up girl. There is beauty in your path of self discovery and you've got a good head on you. I like your pictures. They are very artsy.

Different opinions aside, I'm all for a good constructive discussion conducted in a matured manner. It's stimulating. That however, is sadly lacking in some 'anonymous' entries here. Similar styles speaks, so no second guess who. I'm not wasting time guessing since it's so obvious, I'll just call it 'it'.

What's with it? Jeessh, it's like reading something while some idiot is in the back ground trying desperately to babble out their alphabets correctly.

Observe the Exhibit 'It'. Despite its pathetic attempts, one would notice the timestamps. It comes back time & again daily like someone gnawing on it's own unhappy green liver. It's a Pinocchio. Constantly lying and unable to stop poking it's nose into things not of their concern and can't see beyond that liver and nose.

If this bugs you so much, don't come back. Stop being a pinocchio and no one would note that you are completely obssessed with Izzy and her site. Good grief, you practically live here everyday if the timestamps are anything to say the least, spewing meaningless spite.

Despite your attacks on her, Izzy has kept her cool. At least learn something from there. jeesh.

Kat said...

Anonymous I think that 'face' is more than 'publicly displayed respect'. Do you display disrespect when you're not in public??
My Chinese friends say that her parents must spend more on her birthday party than her friends to keep 'face' - that doesn't seem like respect to me.
I dont really know props either, I live in Australia not the US. My understanding of 'props' is complementing someone when they have done well.

Anonymous said...

I think you're cool. True to yourself and indifferent to other's comments. I agree that most people find you a problem because they HAVE a problem themselves.

I didn't think what you're doing is right. But I respect you.

You go girl. Rock on!

You beat XX....TOTALLY!

Anonymous said...

sg pple are mostly "guai" becos of those older values and moral guideline that "others" hold.

pple's opinion affect us too much

"few sg guys want to have sex with you" >> this struck me. although i love the idea of u stripping and dancing dirty in front of me, the idea of sex never come into play

i think at the end of the day, we just want to have fun and pple who dun have as much fun will complain abt us ^^ they are just jealous souls especially XX who even fewer guys like.

got time strip for us lah ;p

Anonymous said...

looking at the time stamps in the comments sections, I notice that some of the most vitriolic comments came right after the latest entry in the blog.

Could it be that Izzy herself is penning these unecessarily harsh comments to gain sympathy?

Just struck me as highly coincidental...

Anonymous said...

hurhur. the fact that you wrote such a mighty long entry just because of that has already gave you away. you're just plain jealoused of xiaxue. where do you get those fame and how? by publicising your boobs. LOL. how did xiaxue gain it? no perverse actions, no lowlife stripping, no self proclaimation. it was just mere pics and words, with witty humour and sharp analysis of society.
and fancy you calling the upper part of female anatomy art, if that is art, then isnt art EVERYWHERE?
and freak, the more you tell people to stop comparing you two, the more eveyrone will drill in deeper. stop it cos youre on the losing end and you know it.
finally, nobody wants to screw you? hur, i guess you need to go for some kinda serious plastic surgery and maybe a beeeeger breast implant? yeah, that will be good. and dont forget to post those pics up huh!?
FREE PORN WILL BE MOST WELCOMED FOR OLD HAGGYS (esp the white ones who cant afford a thing.)

Anonymous said...

Oh my... It does seem like the initial harsh comments came right after Izzy's latest post.

Man, this is unbelievable.

How low can you go?

Flash your unappetising pictures to the world, get whacked publicly, whine about it, get whacked more, write harsh comments about self, get self-righteous people to defend you.

You seem completely attention-hungry.

Did you not get hugged as a baby?

Anonymous said...

Hey you people. Stop writing so nastily about me ok?

Some people strip for attention. Some don't.

Don't you just love that gif picture?

Teenage Lolita said...

-Singaporean men, are such hypocritical creatures.-

Anonymous said...

FYI. i'd rather pay to run away from your boobs then catch a teeny weeny lil glance at them. they'll prolly land me with cataracts or retinal detachment. *not that they are sizzling hot, but that they are just totally repulsive that even eyes starts throwing up. hurhur. commenter no. 75. once again! = ]

xialanxue said...

Putting yourself out there is perhaps the bravest thing. I applaud you.

Anonymous said...

Xialanxue, I agree. It is especially brave when you know you are going to get laughed at.

I am clapping my hands too. But not in applause.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, some of this is sad to read. I can see why you turned off the comments sections in the first place. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Well Said, SPG! Just as thought, you are a very insightful soul! An artist - and remember, artists, like Van Gogh or Jim Morrison, experience tortured lives... Apart from the ridiculous comments you've drawn, let me mention a friend in the Middle East who says he is familiar with Xiaxue. After speaking with him, I conclude she appeals to two groups of people: other girls in Singapore who enjoy electronic catfights, and, pedophiles, especially in Europe and the Middle East who fantasize over having a Xiaxue toy of their own. In reviewing her traffic, she doesn't have much of a US following

Anonymous said...

Time for my 2 cents worth:

Learn to RESPECT others Nude pix & hot sex it's the lady's perogative. For those who cant take it, F-Off!! ...Grow up or leave this blog. We came into this world without clothes, didnt we??

Stop the Discrimination To those who criticise her UGLY looks, you have NO right to condemn or criticise her! Ugly people have their rights too. .. look in the mirror yourselves: are Hollywood material?

I'm sure some old folks like your grandma or auntie would have taught you this - if you've got nothing good to say, just shut up, no one will think you are dumb!

Izzy, I dont agree nor condone what you have done. Go ahead its your life, no point getting pissed off with all the XX & anti-SPG BS. JUST BE TRUE TO YOURSELF

cheerio ;D

Anonymous said...

Hey Isabella, I love this post and totally agreed with what you said. Its just silly how people like to bring you down, when in the first place, they dont even dare to look at themselves in the mirror. Heck what people said, I think the most Beautiful thing about a girl is when she sees the beauty in herself, inside and out. The people who commented in such a negative note expect you to be a model ... come on manz, they are just dense!! I personally think if you want it, then go for it . if you wanna do this, so be it, it is entirely your life .. and its sad Singaporean men are so stupid ... no wonder girls are looking elsewhere..Guys wake up! Anyone can strip, not just models!! U strip everyday to bathe too!!! .. maybe not-- haha keep on blogging babe.

Anonymous said...

Why do so many of you sing along to her tune just because she writes so-called inspiring and refreshing entries?

By writing about taboo issues doesn't make her any 'great' or better than someone who prefers to write conservatively.

I don't understand why some people like to justify his/her shameful actions with whatever reasons/theories.

A friend once mocked me for disagreeing with pre-marital sex.

He said that I was narrow-minded and that I am living in a totally different world, giving theories about what is right and what is wrong.

I was hurt. I couldn't stand how he justified his views and actions with his fluent explanations.

People like SPG just reminds me of that friend.

I hope people don't fall into the trap of totally accepting another person's views so easily. Have a mind of your own and stop bootlicking.

Anyway...will there ever be a day when people will stop blogging and spend more time together offline? I think blogging is getting lame...


Anonymous said...

To everyone who complained and insulted the author of this blog - well, nobody forced you to read it, so go stuff off and read something else!

SPG, keep up the blogging. :-)

Kat said...

XiaXue your highly amateur animation was a)poorly done and b)her boobs looked better before you made them look alien and strange. Also your blog is just like every other American girls blog, congratulations I'm sure you're very proud. Stripping for attention is nothing new to us westerners, I guess that's why we like SPG so much, she may strip but she does it in style! Also I like her opinions because I agree with them. If I wanted to go and read a fluffy candy blog with shitty photoshop girls there are about ten american sites I would visit before yours, it's too tryhard.

Anonymous said...

whichever way you like to put it, you are one horny slut.. I'm sure if given the chance, you would fuck every single white guy you could get your hands on... you could go on and write about repressing Singapore society is, and how liberated you are, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a SLUT. I'm sure your parents are real proud of it too.

Anonymous said...

It's NOT about you posing nude on the net.
It's NOT about you sleeping with white men.
It's about you sleeping with married men and your obsession with men who are able to provide you with expensive gifts, be it nice hotels, trips abroad or posh restaurants.

If you model nude for the name of art, kudos to you. If you're doing it for the extra cash, money isn't everything right? Sell your artwork or something, you're smarter or a lot more talented than that and you'll think of something.

Don't get me wrong, I believe you've matured a lot since you started this blog. But I still think you can do A LOT better.

Anonymous said...

Nice art work..

Anonymous said...

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo" - H.G. Wells

Anonymous said...

i strongly agree with some of your views and of course dispute with some of it. but i'm really interested in your every entries u know. i'm just a typical 15 yr old girl here and i'm viewing your blog almost everyday. u know, it's common to see people colliding with some of your views and i'm glad that u take things in your stride. u can forget about the criticism. hmmm..some people are just trying to show their shallowness here. i'm one who appreciates art, desires and passions although i'm kind of like underage? Pardon me for my impudence, but i really like you, u know. u're one daring woman and REAL woman. THAT particular irksome guy can go and suck his mama's tits. Oh baby! Cheers! ;)

Anonymous said...

for some one who posted nude pictures of herself...(thought intentionally or not i do not care) you have pretty WARPED insights....reading your post on self acceptance wants me to go give you a shock theory to wake up your mind...of course pedophilia is a shit...and what about "In fact, better they produce internet porn then prostitute themselves", that is BULL SHIT..BOTH ARE EQUALLY BAD...you are right in saying that "pedophilia will happen, internet or no internet", but at least without the net...it should be less....

"Stress is the biggest murderer in developed nations, isn’t it." isn't the biggest murderer cancer and stuff...stress is just a big fat problem

"I know a number of girls that strip for the camera, and they are some of the most nicest, coolest girls you’d ever meet. Nurses, Primary school teachers, Military air-craft pilots, SIA cabin crew. Your Grandmother. I’m just kidding. For heaven’s sake, the digital camera is so popular for many reasons, and nude photography is one of those things. And it’s not a reason, it is one of THE reasons."
that is just pure sick...

"I use the site so often because I don’t know any other company that has got the philosophy of the joy of nudity and the appreciation of the spunky modern uninhibited female down to pat so well as they have"
maybe you should enjoy your nudity...with your husband in the future but for now, with and God and yourself

"Is murder a sin, is sex a sin (there is no such thing as casual sex. There is however, responsible and irresponsible sex) what is sin anyway? We are violent, we lust, we desire what is not ours. The 10 commandments isn't the definition of the things that are sinful, the 10 commandments is a list of things that are part of human nature."
isn't the 10 commandments there to help you point out your faults so you can work to correct them?

for a christian..you have quite a warped mind about nudity and stuff...i'm quite surprised that people like you actually exist, not to mention that you make me sick

Anonymous said...

"I know a number of girls that strip for the camera, and they are some of the most nicest, coolest girls you’d ever meet. Nurses, Primary school teachers, Military air-craft pilots, SIA cabin crew. Your Grandmother. I’m just kidding. For heaven’s sake, the digital camera is so popular for many reasons, and nude photography is one of those things. And it’s not a reason, it is one of THE reasons."

by the way, i'm sure there are many SANE girls out there in the world who protect their bodies, and i know a bunch of them, sane, nice caring, cool, friendly, and i bet they would NEVER even post more than their faces on friendster. digital cameras are made for taking photos, you know , normal photos: people smiling with a beautiful scenary, not nude picture. taking nude pictures with a digital cam is like abusing someone, you make it do something it was not made to do(photos yes, nude photos no) and that is SICK

Anonymous said...

*clap*clap*clap* Well Done!!!

Daniel said...

haha someone is afraid of the naked human form. Your god will be ashamed of you ;)

Anonymous said...

i kinda agree on what u have wrote here abt those pedophile and sex thingy.it's kinda funny to see ur own breasts move but it's even funnier for me to see that there's actually someone out there bothers to do all those photoshop thinggy to ur pic.it's her gift to you,i suppose.all her hardwork,time and sweat she had put to edit all the things.i know u are proud.if i am in ur position,probably i will be at rage 1st then i will think that it's funny and then comes the feeling of proud.

anyway,ur blog worth reading.keep up the good journals.cheers

c said...

Hey there! i totally agree-women certainly tend to be more critical toward their own kind as opposed to men who glorify and celebrate their dicks at any opportunity they find. we girls need to be less catty and also learn to embrace the beauty of of our bodies; regardless of shape/size(u freely posing as u did, uninhibited, is one such way) and also not be afraid to learn and talk more of/abt our vaginas, to speak of it in a less degratory manner; bluntly speaking to celebrate our cunts. "cunt" should not be a dirty word. Men know their penises in and out but the same cant be said for women n their vaginas.

Men who sleep around are called studs whereas girls who do the same (not necessarily in a bad sleep-around super casual way) are sluts. Ugly Double Standard. Things would have been different if it were a male who posed nude.

Anyway, u continue doing what u do and dont pay attention to the bloody narrowminded kapos with too much time on their hands. rock on. ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Nudity is no big deal indeep, you can see it everywhere (ops properly not in s'pore), so stop being such a hypocrite.

But i don't blame those "narrow minded" comments either, i sort of pity their fate for being there and unable to do much about it, but to complaints and condemn. It is not their "fault", society are partly to blame , In Asia (or Singapore)we are not exposed to any of such things, not on the papers, news and certainly not on Tv, therefore we all become weird when come to nudity and sex talk.

When everyone is doing the same thing, that is consider as normal, however if you are not doing what everyone is doing or expected you to do, then you will be condemn by society. Sad!! Way to go my fellow Singaporean!

Singapore Gal!


Anonymous said...

I admire your guts to do this, even if I don't necessarily agree with everything you say. To all you people criticizing her, lay off, you don't have the right to judge if you don't know her well at all. And if you think you do merely through a blog, wake up. Bigot slayer-->you just had to post that comment on all her entries did you?

Anonymous said...

Cee, yes I had to. It's fun!

Anonymous said...

Bigot Slayer (at least you aren't anonymous anymore),

As mentioned before, if you don't have anything good to contribute ... SHUT UP and stop cross-posting!


Anonymous said...

Gecko, are you stupid or what? Even the term "Anonymous" is not anonymous. It is still a descriptor.

Kat said...

I think it's very very interesting to see the nasty angry comments left by males and christians on here. SPG has not been nasty but by far the cruellest comments have come from singaporean men and christians. What does this tell us about these two groups?

Jesus preached acceptance of all and judgement of no one. You who claim to be Christian and in the same breath condemn SPG are not Christians at all. You may be moralistic rule followers, but as a Christian I do not wish to be associated with you because I would be ashamed to be associated with such cruelty that is clearly against our religion.
And as for the Singaporean men flaccid bitter posting about how you couldn't get them anyway...like I said before, you're not proving her wrong about you.

Anonymous said...

Kat, clearly you condone SPG's bigotry. How does this figure into your self-righteous rant?

Anonymous said...

personally, i do not subscribe to your way of thinking for all that you have said in your blog. i must admit that my brain has been hardwired by the singaporean culture.

i also confess that it was curiousity that led me to your blog for the 1st time. but it is definitely not the reason why i come back to visit it time and again for new postings.

gal, you have the flair of a writer. why limit yourself to only these topics? i am confident that you can do better. write abt things you see, not just abt sex and the city.

to all the other ppl who only know how to condemn and criticise... get a life. haven't you heard of the freedom of speech. if you ppl haven't realised, she never did anything in the 1st place. you ppl just started everything cos you all had nothing better to do.

piss off.

Anonymous said...

Girl, I suggest you switch off your comments function--these people are as bigoted as they claim you are and internet trolls to boot.

Anonymous said...

Your blog doesn't seem that SPG now...focussing on more spiritual shit. You feeling the pressure of being SPG??!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Isabella, so tell us more about your plans after you are back in Singapore...many people are interesting in seeing you in flesh.

Anonymous said...

hell yeah, now i felt like i had to say something about something. I have been reading comments for the past 20mins and thank you very much, singaporean man (in general who posted mean shit here) you made me frown.
"nobody wants to screw you? hur, i guess you need to go for some kinda serious plastic surgery and maybe a beeeeger breast implant? yeah, that will be good. and dont forget to post those pics up huh!?"

to that idiot.Eat shit.

Good lord. i almost forgotten how singporean men can be so superfical. Big breast, pretty-yet innocent-looking-fuckable-face is all you guys ever bothered? Of course the answer is yes. As you guys have obviously overlooked the beauty of her intelligence, her what-ever-good-points you can read from her supporters here. No wonder singaporean woman i met can never be secured with themselves. While from where i come from woman wants to be more gorgeous as they want to be gorgeous to feel good THUS get hot dudes, woman here wants to be more prettier to ensure they are able to get "their" guys. Do anyone see the difference like i do? urgh. The point is, while human are superfical, you guys are too unforgiving for people that do not qualify under what you think is beauty. While people are furious at Izzy for posting her nude photos, lack of "morality", her bad effect on the mass young crowd (wow). You guys complained and post insults that is so unnesscary and dumb.
Ugly people critisicing people ugly. how ironic.

to izzy: i think you are a woman of substance, people who you mostly likely will ever care about now or in the future, (hopefully not a local *grins*) will see you as a beautiful being. as i do. beyond the exterior. as for people you dont give a shit, please don't give a shit.
I just believe woman comes in all sorts of beauty, yeah cliche but true. No one should ever be insulted. Like the xiaxue as well, these 2 poor girls being slammed for who they are and what they want to say. If this goes on, life will be just as shallow.

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Wow. That was quite a well written essay on sexuality, gender civil war, and personal freedom. Impressive writing.

And not all Singaporean men are half-wits. Its just they have issues and don't get a chance to go out very often.

I'm a Singapore guy who went over to Ozland for over 15 ten years. Living in another culture and environment helps you see things in a different light and to be more mature. Its just that very few people are given that chance.

Kat said...

Anti-bigot I am simply accepting of SPGs choices. I accept that she has her opinions. Furthermore, do not confuse acceptance with condoning. I do not think everyone needs to go out and do what SPG does - but I DO condone and accept self expression so long as it does not intentionally hurt others.

I do not accept cruelty from people who claim to be Christians. It's a lie. Furthermore, SPG is also accepting of views that are not the norm where she lives. She is operating within, and outside of her fundamental society, which if you'll check the dictionary, is clearly the OPPOSITE of a bigot.

All the 'christians' on here, would possibly be more identifiable as one. And to save you some work...

big·ot Pronunciation Key (bgt)

One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Which pretty much sums a large proportion of the commenters.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree.

KAT is clearly making judgemental comments from her own "high-horse" society, where a fish&chips owner spouted racist slogans and actually gained a place in government for a while.

Please don't tarnish the nice image of Australians by passing judgement on our society.

You are not some white supremist society living in the fringes of us primitive Asian tribes.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Where are all ur photos?

Anonymous said...

since people think that you are leaving the spirit of SPG, then LEAVE IT, what good has it done to you, brought you unwanted attention, shamed you publicly,caused disputes, clouded your mind, they say you are leaving a SPG spirit, so leave it, what so good about being famous and glarmous by posting nude pictures, they claim that you are becoming more spiritual, you're a christian, go look for a pastor and talk to him about christianity, don't dwell in this sick place, people who are pleased by watching your naked body,people who only want pictures.

i came here by accident,never read about you in the papers, i was only interested in this blog when read your post 'email about religion' and i think you should spend more time clearing your mind of doubt than blogging here and taking pictures of yourself.

if you think this is fame and glory, remember who you work for, this is not glory to whom you work for, this is more like shame. you and i are similar, in that we believe in a God and A SON who died for us AND holy ghost, but what makes you different is your choice...if you do remember, we have a task, every creature must glorify its creator, lets not forget humans too must do too.

so go and clearify, is this really the way to glorify the one you believe?

Anonymous said...

Hey girl , been reading you for a while and really like your style AND substance, I come from a farmore liberal country Iceland and appreciate what you aredoing to state your views

Anonymous said...

Quote of the comment by JA

"Good lord. i almost forgotten how singporean men can be so superfical. Big breast, pretty-yet innocent-looking-fuckable-face is all you guys ever bothered? Of course the answer is yes. As you guys have obviously overlooked the beauty of her intelligence, her what-ever-good-points you can read from her supporters here. No wonder singaporean woman i met can never be secured with themselves. While from where i come from woman wants to be more gorgeous as they want to be gorgeous to feel good THUS get hot dudes, woman here wants to be more prettier to ensure they are able to get "their" guys. Do anyone see the difference like i do? urgh."

I do! Well said!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...






Kat said...

Back off where did I pass judgement on your society? Did you miss the part where I wrote that I have Chinese friends? I referred only to the commenters on this blog - it is YOU who assume they are all Singaporean :)

Anonymous said...

Kitty Kat - Having Chinese-Aussie friends doesn't necessarily mean they possess EXACT same mentality as Singaporean Chinese. Geddit?

Anonymous said...

My goodness, SPG removed my post addressing to Kitty Kat about laying off her comments about Singaporeans. Why SPG? Afraid of causing offense to your Western Supporters?

Erica from Iceland: Far more liberal society yes? Maybe that explain why Western countries have such high numbers in STD, Syphillis and Teenaged Pregnancies yes?

Anonymous said...

Izzy, since you are so progressive and uninhibited...

I have been meaning to ask... Do you do dogs?

I have 2 helluva horny dogs who hump anything and everything that moves. Man, sometimes I have to slash water on them to keep them from humping each other! (I am sure you are familir with the sensation of cold splashes)

Sometimes, the darned dogs even lick their own shit.

Wait a minute... Are you into scat? You know, coprophilia? (OK for you other clueless MFs, it means shit-eating for sexual gratification) I am sure that you are familiar with the taste, Izzy.

It literally oozes from your mouth...


Anonymous said...

Wah, just checked out this other blog which features more nekkid pictures.


Forget porno sites! Why pay, when you can get them for free?

Anonymous said...

Having just read Izzy's Apr 25th entry.

I now realize that Izzy is also a part-time prostitute.

Here is an except:

"I thought about it long and hard for several months before I actually did it, and it wasn’t too bad. The two men that have paid me for sex have become rather good friends (not with each other la,"


So, in addition to being a racist, bigoted, superficial, self-important serial-fornicator, she is also a hooker.

So much for all the verbal fuzz and literary bull-shit.

Stop calling yourself a Christian. Please.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Izzy says the following on her Apr 19th entry:

"I'm surrounded by fuckwits that don't give a shit about me doing nice things for them. I try to make dinner for my mom, and she doesn't wait. What the fucking #$%^ and she complains I never do anything nice. Well, hello?? You can't even do this one nice thing for me by waiting for me to finish cooking dinner?

When was the last time you did anything really nice anyway? Sure you care, so? Sure I can depend on you if I shit up in life, but I don't care for that. The fact is, you're not doing anything now! And it's not even as if it's an active task."

Izzy never ceases to impress me.

Few people can chalk up so many insulting adjectives to describe themselves... Now we can add ungrateful mother-pisser to the list. She calls her mother "fuckwit".

Let's see the short list:

Serial fucker
In-discriminating (as in fucking anything at all, anything!)
Racist (I know, I know, that is simply Bigot + underline)
Ugly (I know, repetitive. Serves as added emphasis)
False Christian

Wow... Truly impressive. And I am not even being exhaustive.

Anonymous said...

Stripping never condemned anyone. And in my opinion, condemnation and the fear of it is the biggest killer in first-world societies. It’s been proven. Stress is the biggest murderer in developed nations, isn’t it. If we weren’t afraid of being condemned by society as failures, we wouldn’t be so stressed about everything, from money to getting married to our funerary arrangements (you better burn me a Mercedes when I’m gone ah, Ah Boy). Freakishly, that’s actually mentioned in Revelations (12:15 - Condemnation as tool of death, not the necessity of burning paper cars).

Are you kidding me? Stress the number one killer in developed countries?

Nope. Car accidents is. And heart disease, I think. Neither has much to do with fear of societal strictures.

Where do you pull these so-called "proven" facts out of? Your ass?