Wednesday, May 05, 2010

In response to the comment from yesterday.

Comment from previous post:
Ha ha. You've gotta understand the man's rules for an open relationship. HE is able to sleep with anyone, ogle and chat up any of your girlfriends and his exes, either in front of you or behind your back, and he take off whenever he likes without telling you.

The girl (ie you) must only... um, "have relations" with pre-agreed characters, who MUST be dweebs of some sort or other, to avoid shattering the fragile male ego, and every situation must be discussed and assessed on it's merits.

See? With a few simple rules, it works perfectly!

On a more serious note, I don't agree with the comment at all. Some assholes might be like that, but in that case, why ever propose an open relationship? Just find a scared little girl and cheat on her as you please in that case.


marke said...


...hmmmm. Takes note: sense of humour not evident.... probably a sore topic... I'll just go and annoy the wife into giving me another beating, then...

Isabella said...

Haha my apologies, my humour is a bit less subtle than that :o)

marke said...

Well anyway I'll have you know I'm very experienced in these matters.

Been in a few open relationships in my time.

Of course, I was always the last one to find out about the open status.... :-)

expat@large said...

I've had to shut the door on open relationships or I'll be tossed out (not off) the open window.

expat@large said...

(that's me pretending I've have had recent relationships other than fiscal one.)

marke said...

Ar Ar Ar! E@L, at least WE can appreciate each others jokes!

... relationships, it takes dedication not to get into one... but then they are a hell of a lot easier to STAY out of then they are to get out of later ...