Sunday, January 09, 2005

Food for Thought

If God was all powerful, then could he not have made the world a completely perfect place? And if there was a law he had to follow, and therefore as such, he could not have made the world a completely perfect place (and since the world was made for man, and all of creation to be enjoyed by man, the perfection he should have percieved should be what would be perfect when man looked upon it) then God cannot possibly be all powerful. Because in this case, he would not be an entirely free being, being confined by a certain law.

And if he were not confined by order, then would he not be absolute chaos? Because chaos is natural and order has to be borne out of discipline. And if God were chaos, then he would not make any more sense then evolutionary theory.

I cannot accept evolutionary theory, and it would now seem I cannot accept the idea of God as I've be taught it in Sunday School. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if there is something else that has created all of creation. But I also know for a fact I'll never make heads or tails of it until I die. Creatures of origin cannot understand their creators, which is altogether without origin. Imperfect minds cannot understand perfect concepts, and three dimentional inhabitant will never comprehend the visual manifestations of the fourth dimension.

But ah, I still find some semblance of virtue in the belief that God exsists, and creation just seems more right, more beautiful and more full when I tell myself they were created, rather then mutated.


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