Thursday, September 09, 2004

Do I spent too much time Being Drunk?

God! But it feels amazing. All the world's most fantastic art is created when people are drunk. Who is the idiot who made me grow up with the retarded perception that all guys want is to get laid? I mean, sure they want to get laid, so do I. It makes us feel wanted, desirable, it connects us, helps is appreciate ourselves. But where did the bloody perception that guys desire to get laid with no consideration for the other person's feelings come from.

Of course now I know it's all fucking bullshit, but I am still constantly amazed whenever I discover that men want more then just sex. That they truly appreciate a deep, objective conversation with a girl, and that it makes all the difference when your able to connect with someone on that level.

Oh whatever. I am too drunk. Was supposed to meet Mr. B, but got totally carried away in a book by Proust (In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower) and missed his sms-es. Man did he sound pissed. I am just not used to not being accomodated to. Guys listen to me, they acceed to me, damnit. Maybe that's why he appeals to me. Because he does not. But I don't know how much of it I can stand. We're definitely not made for each other. Fuck it all.


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