Saturday, April 17, 2004

Excited/Agitated/ UGH, One too many espresso shots!

I had a GREAT night, and a Great day. But I'm feeling none too good about it. Way too little sleep. 5 hours everyday for the whole of one week is a seriously bad idea. Especially when there's a portfolio shooting you have to actually PAY for in15 hours. I think I'll have to pop some pills and sleep from 9 to 9. I Really wish I got some of that Morphine, goddamnit.

Well, Somehow I managed to gather the courage to ask my darling Mr Big for cash to hire the stylist. He sponsored me halfway, which really is better than nothing, and I genuinely am rather happy about it -the rest of the cash I got from this girl who owed me money for an abortion- But oh, it's not because he can't afford to indulge me (our dates are relatively extravagant) It simply wasn't in his value system; Like he wanted me to pay part of it for myself, maybe to get me to understand that he wasn't simply gonna be a readily available ATM machine (not a very good analogy since he's the one that has something to slot into me... mmm bad joke...). Well, no intention to. Especially if I'm going to get paid from Suicidegirls soon. I was sufficiently embarrassed about it though. I always need to ask for cash, and I always Do, but Oh. I still feel embarrassed about it anyway. Oh well *shrugs*

We were kinda having a lazy morning, and I was like talking to him about, I don't know what. And I finally said... "I need a favour out of you" and he was like "Right, see I knew there was something." Gah. And when he gave me the cash he was like, "So its... a Hundred and TEN" With a particular emphasis on the ten. He was just making fun of me I guess. (The extra ten's for cab fare.)

Oh he was really nice last night. Barbecuing for all the girls at the club, giving me a massage, just being well Himself. And he’s nice, pleasant, albeit a little tame. J likes him, I’ve never seen him talk to any other of the other expats like he talks to Mr. Big. But I guess he is very friendly, and well, as local as an expat can get. The fact that they both bumped into each other at a business conference does help I suppose.

The past two days have of course been a lot more interesting, but I’m way to tired. So I’ll go have my nine to niner and carry on tomorrow.

Fuck ya’all :D