Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Mood swings

Absolutely hate the time of the month and what it can do to me. I think it just gets worse and worse as I get older.
I woke up this morning, wondered why my wrists was hurting so damn much and went "Goddamnit. Those scars are really fucking ugly." I suppose a little blood between the sheets and broken skin can be quite a novelty sometimes. But damnit, they are ugly.

Met my one of my photographers today, the female one, Ruth. She's so fun to talk to, and she's just bursting with all these insane ideas that only someone as crazy as I am would be game for, and only someone as psycho as she is would come up with. We're really trying to figure out how to shoot at a McDonald's without getting me caught on their CCTV -if they actually do have them proliferating all over their outlets in the first place-. They are some of the most fun local people I know. Well... these budding indy-artistic types usually are. This guy -he's shot me before, with Ruth (she's like my mamasan)- was talking about the four of us going to Tioman during the holidays to do a calendar, for me, called *gasp* a day in the life of The Spg *laughs* How... egotistical does that sound huh.

Anyway, I met them for dinner today to get some really old photographs. I must have 200 of them now, but that REALLY doesn't make up for the ones that Jason had to delete without MY consideration. Bastard. But they totally cheered me up with all their ideas.

I had a mild tiff with Mr. Big today over *gasp* sms. How Lame huh. It was my fault I suppose. I should have just left him alone, but I was just so fucked up when I woke up. Well, my girlfriend and I went out with him for dinner yesterday, and she sorta embarassed me by giving this sorta impression that we were leeching off him. Like she flippantly mentioned how the dinner was on him, oh maybe a couple of times. I guess it was no big deal, but I was really in a totally neurotic state of mind then. I had to sms him and ask him if we gave him that* impression -that we were leeching off him- and he said she* did. Anyway, it was such a bad date. Bah.

The best thing to do in situations like that is to leave it be.

Well, that's quite nearly my motto in life for everything I find unpleasant.
Ignorance really IS bliss.

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