Sunday, August 29, 2004


Serving Suggestion: French Wine and Pink Floyd.

I’ve been feeling like sitting around naked with a bunch of other people drinking wine, smoking pot and condemning progress. I genuinely have nothing against society evolving and growing, while humanizing the environment, really. But there’s just something so sexy about cursing the likes of Shell and the CAP, eating organic food, dried fruit and refusing meat.

Is there no one out there game for a little bout of good old Flower Power therapy where you are Pink Floyd’d out and completely nude. Because that’s just what I need.

But Goddamnit. Just when I wish to make the switch from the constant drive for knowledge to a desire for an engagement into ..uh.. therapeutic consciousness, there’s not enough women who are equally as interested and no pot to be found.

Environmentalism is so fucking sexy I want to screw all around the globe. I know this is totally pointless, but a combination of the aforementioned serving suggestion seriously makes you feel like you do not have possession over your own mind.

Oh yeah.

We don’t need no education,
We don’t need no mind control.

Can they hurry up with the nudist colony already.


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