Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Not Quite a Break

I wish I could say that because today had prove to be insanely boring, my physical self has been given the much needed rest which I severly require. Unfortunately, I'm stuck awake binging on peanut butter and marmalade sandwiches and trying to concentrate on writing an essay on the evolution of Islamic terrorism.

That aside, I went to get my check-up done today, and got a nice clean bill. Which is always a relief. I've quite taken to reading the Postmodern Courtesan, and have actually emailed her about how she goes about taking care of the rather nasty business of STDs. She gave a fantastic answer, and left me thinking about why I never thought of that. Basically, get the other person to go for a test before any sexual liasons whatsoever. It probably has occured to me years ago, when I was still all spring-rain and daisy-bloom (terribly chaste, in other words) and living with the belief that 9 out of 10 people have an STI. But you know how it goes, with time and a whole host of bad habits slackening the paranoia.

The laspse of time during which a given event has not happened is constantly alleged as a reason why the event should never happen, even when the lapse of time is precisely the added condition which makes the event imminent - George Elliot

Another absolutey hiliarious blog I've recently discovered that amuses me to no end is Evil White Guy, whom I must honour with a space on my blogroll with a sub-heading of egregious bastards.


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