Friday, July 09, 2004

Too Lazy to see the Shrink

Ugh. I cannot believe my doctor thinks my depression is severe enough that I need to see a shrink. Sometimes the neurosis gets really shitty (like now) and I can barely think straight, much less want to do anything (aside from lying on my bed and feeling like alcohol but knowing that I really shouldn't because it only makes it worse.) But really, most of the time it’s not a problem getting it under control.

At any rate, my doctor gave me this address for a clinic and the directions to get there, and I nearly died when I realized what he was referring me to.

I know it’s terribly childish, but it’s just that there are all these unwanted negative connotations linked to the Mental Health Institute. When I thought about it, I was like, shit, I’m really not that mental enough to warrant going to Woodbridge! (Woodbridge hospital is synonymous with the madhouse. Which I suppose is a misconception since loads of depressed people who can’t afford private shrinks go there) Anyway, I’m no fan of government healthcare, Plus, I don’t think psychiatry would help. You just end up ranting and raving and paying unnecessary money, and at the end of the day, you don’t really get cured.

Well, Mr. Big is, apparently, really considering the threesome with a whore. Now while I said it was nice of him to suggest it a few days ago, I seriously doubt I’m particularly game for it currently. I had been pleased when he tried to get my attention with the suggestion after a week and a half of blowing him off, but, while I won’t say I’m not pleased with this particular state of affairs, I can’t say I’m entirely looking forward to it either.

But whatever.

*feels sick*


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