Friday, June 18, 2004

Boo Hoo. I am SO wasted
I HATE being wasted.
I wish I could just go on an alcoholic high for as long as I need to be high enough to behave like a total idiot on the bar then snap out of it immediately.
But OH NO. I have to suck on horrible horrible limes, drink coffee that taste like drain water, and feel like actually studying, at 4 a.m. in the morning. Thsi is really weird.

Yes I am fucking drunk. I don't care if I sound like an idiot.

Will (my most regular photographer) and I are planning to start a modelling agency with some of Singapore's hottest girls. I worship them on the bar top adn beg them to call him and he shoots them. How fun. Seriously,not being sarcastic. :D fun. I'ts hight time I started figuring out a way to make some money anwyay. My parents have seriously stopped deciding to finiance this parasite of a daughter any longer.

I think the guy who owns cayote likes me. as a girl only of course. He's cool. Some of the girls are cool. some of them hate me. They told me to get off the bar cuz they 'have to sell drinks so get off' I kinda like the indian one. shes the only indian one. But I doubt i can regular as a bar girl there. I dont have the time, or the physical capacity. It's so tiring entertaining blokes at a bar. terribly, horribly tiring.
Im exhausted.

I'm so fuking drunk/


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