That's That
Thank God.
I'm back in Sg, and damn glad for it.
Never had problems when it came to home-sickness; but being around people constantly talking about death was really starting to get to me. And I miss having an air-conditioner with a functional temperature control.
Well, I've thrown my number back into the culdron of single and looking once again. At this moment, I just can't feel committed enough to not want to toss my number back in.
The guy who fished it out's quite eligible.
Not only is he cute, half-latino and Mexican. He knows how to have fun, and dances Salsa like a god. Perhaps it's a sign, and I should start revolving my life around the dance once again. He called a couple of days ago while I was out of town, and told the maid he'd give a ring this Thursday. That's good.
Thursday is Ladies night at the salsa club.
Oh well. Back I go into the whole dating game once again.
How does it work anyway?
You exchange numbers, go out on a couple of dates, have sex, go out on some more dates and see if things work out. And when they don't, you still continue seeing each other anyway and carry on having sex waiting for someone to pick your number out once again.
I always find it incredible that we're able to have sex with people we barely know. It's kinda taken on a whole new function in soceity. It sells things, it gets us what we want and it promotes romance on the fast track. Sex makes you feel like you really know a person, even when you've only been dating him for, oh, a month.
Romeo and Juliet definitely had sex. Those dirty little kids.
In some trashy News

on June 12th, in a more flamboyant gesture, around 50 naked cyclists rode around Hyde Park, one of London's stately royal parks[...]
The London ride reflects a change in attitudes to nudity[...]
Britain is moving away from puritanical America and closer to continental Europe, where citizens disport themselves naked untroubled by censorious officials.
That's the spirit.
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