Thursday, June 10, 2004

In Summary

I'm a little too tired to blog much today.

I caught Azkaban today, and I thought it was fabulous. I knew Alfonso Curon wouldn't disappoint. It's the best Potter movie up to date; finally one that does the book justice! I'm glad Columbus bailed out on directing Azkaban, he would have flopped it. Curon's movie is beautiful in every aspect. The colours were just magical and Hogwarts never looked so, so wonderful. I don't know how some people can say it wasn't good, the characters were incredibly well done, and aside from a really lousy crying scene with Radcliff in it, everything else was in place. And for once, Malfoy was properly sidelined. I still think Tom Felton is too handsome to be playing a twit like Draco.
I really don't like it when movies don't sideline certain characters properly just because they know the some of the audience want them on longer. Think Orlando as Paris in Troy. Bah.

I'm sorry if this is boring you, but I'm a sucker for anything fantasy-sf, so I'll cannry on ranting.

I loved the Knight Bus, I loved Buckbeak flying over the water (He is the least irritating computer generated creature since Chewbacca), I loved the tiny little skeletal heads and I loved the way the Leaky Culdron looked. Wouldn't mind watching it again. Probably will.


My mom's insisting we go out for one of those mother-daughter things again. I have no objection what-soever. Movie, Spa treatment, Sake and Sashimi. I know I'm a little spoilt *grin* Oh well.

I was just thinking about it. You know, my tastes in things, stuff like that. I'm not particularly very spoilt, and I didn't start dating guys who could afford all the finer things like good food and great wine because I wanted these things. It's the coverse,really. It was precisely because of my taste for Them that I developed a taste for these things.

They taught me how to drink only Evian and appreciate the bitter taste of espresso shots. How a glass of wine is always preferable to tequila shooters (yeah I was a fast tequila slut like that. The kind you'd see on the bartop with her skirt all the way up to her hips after 9 & 3/4 shots). Things like that.

Well, it was one particular one I owe it to I suppose.
He could never drink anything BUT Evian. Let's give him a whimsical name, something like Mr. Darling. For lack of imagination and because I'm thinking about marrying Peter Pan just now and never growing up -I'm in an awfully iffy mood at the moment-.
Well, see, we went on a little holiday; it was a short sort of holiday, the kind you go over the weekend, and because I'm one of the lightest female packers you'll ever know (I've packed for a 10 day trip to Borneo all into a backpack before) -partially due to the fact that I like wearing very little- I had a fine shock when I saw him with this huge thing, the kind you use when you go camping.
I asked him what the hell was in there and proceeded to peek inside. Oh my goodness, 4 bottles of Evian. Well, when I buy bottle water now, it has to be Evian, and I've gotten addicted to espresso shots. Maybe because I don't dare to forget him and everytime I have that little yellow cup half filled with bitter black gunk, I think of him, and I'm happy for awhile. I know. I'm nuts.

Slightly elated because I got to talk to him again after quite a long while.
I'm fully convinced he's one of the few people I should have babies with; it's just a long time from now.
Bah. Don't get all cynical on me and let me have my silly childish reveries. As it is, I give myself enough a good does of that emotion daily. Don't need it from other people.


I've loaded up some pictures of China I thought were rather interesting.

Ah, the joys of Global Corporations.
Hey fuck man. I like MacDonalds okay. I never eat their food, but their ad campaign brightens places up.

Like Oh My God. This is the dormitory grounds for the a school near SuZhou. Sleeping in the White House and the Neuschwanstein, my my, what decadance.

I can't imagine how they must worsip the US.


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