Saturday, May 08, 2004

First Night

The play went pretty well. The cast was like a mad train ride the first two acts though, rushing their lines; no chemistry. But the script was good enough to make the audience laugh, despite the lack of connection between the characters. When Elizabeth asked Homer to marry her, someone stepped on *laughs* the remote control that was to black out the whole theatre. Perfect timing it was. Just at the point where Elizabeth grabbed Homer and said, "Oh WILL you marry me?", total darkness ensued. Everyone through they were having a moment, and Elizabeth was so sporting as to tussel up her hair and try to look like she did, (Nothing outrageous, so unfortunately).

Mr. Grant invited me to a fashion show sponsored by 42 Below (An NZ produced Vodka that tastes rather nice with Passion fruit juice. But the truth is, most Vodka brands taste pretty much alike to me. Unless it's really, really bad) I arrived a little too late though, and behaved a little too drunk. Ah I keep doing such embarassing things. But then again, it's a bar, and there was a swing up on the ceiling for christ's sakes. It was one of those roped wooden boarded swings too. One of the things I can't resist (among many others. heh.)

What exactly the hell do you talk about to people when you're at a bar? I'm sick of asking the same old questions, sick of getting asked the same old questions, and sick of hearing and telling the same old thing. It's never different anyway, and I'm seriously not quite interested in what anyone does. Unless they turn out to be the editor for Wallpaper magazine. But like I'd ever make it very far as a model anyway. I'm 5 feet and I know that's short; bugger.

Had a pleasant night. I blurted out how I felt to Him*. It sounded kinda retarded because I'm really lousy at telling people how I feel very candidly. He had some rather nice things to say. But it's not just that. It's well, how he treats me that really gets me on. And when I think about it, I've never really ever clicked with someone so well before. It could do with a little more work, that's for sure, but otherwise, wow. I think the next time round I shan't ask him about other women he's slept with. It's just not healthy to get jealous. (Wow! My God. Me. Jealous. Because of something like that. *shudder* Really says soemthing huh.)

Mmm... Have to work on my dreams of becoming SEA's answer to Jordi Labanda right now.

1 comment:

Steve said...

There are many pleasant nights for me, but I will never forget that horny pleasant night when I was having my first kiss.