Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Look. Sex is Art allright?

Art is the dream of order out of the sense of chaos; and ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style.

And I think nudity is one of the best forms of art.
I love naked women, and I love myself naked. I'm not so sure about men, I kinda like them when their naked in private, but there's something so wrong seeing them naked on the movie screen. I don't know if I'm glad they cut of Brad Pitt's nude scene in Troy. Hey, to each her own la.

There are so many ways women can be naked and gorgeous. It doesn't matter (to me) if their Queen Latifah big or Kate Moss emaciated or Paris Hilton Hot (yes I think she's hot. Very too.) It's all up to the artist to make sense of her subject.

I like being my own subject.
The photographer who shot me last Sunday was really happy with what happened with the rosebuds and sequins.

I'm trying to tell him his work is so fucking boring. He's into makeup that makes everyone look the same and into sweet smiles with huge swords. (How is that supposed to work?) Bah. His work is is souless. Beautiful, but empty. I hope what I did with him comes out a little better. But he did force me into doing things I normally wouldn't want to do. Like wear purple eyeshadow and smile sweetly for 3 hours.

Now THIS is more like it!

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