Friday, May 21, 2004


The Princess got a message from some Yahoo auction site for the Ericsson P900 at USD$300. Apparently this guy (with some 'tard nick like electronicos4u ) 'sold' cellphones, and we thought we'd buy couple from him, because it does sound like a pretty neat deal. The only problem's that we don't know him, don't trust him (duh), and he lives in Melanga. That's some ulu pandan village in Spain. Maybe it isn't so out of the way, but it does have a funny sounding name.

Anyway, we thought, well we could see how it works out. So we said we'd send him the full $1100 for the phones and UPS service.

Of course we were fucking paranoid, so I changed my mind and told her majesty that we really should buy a dirt cheap phone first. That way, if he's bullshit, we'd only loose about a hundred bucks. Which is allright. So she changed her order.

Oh here's where it gets weirder.

The guy goes something like (I don't remember what he said exactly; and he said it with english far more ungramatically correct then mine) "What?? But I SENT the phones already. In order for you to get them on time, I had to send them this afternoon. You were supposed to pay me then. No no, I'll tell UPS to send it back. I'll just loose shipping, but it's better then loosing the phones to two theives. I have a pregnant wife and two sons! I can't afford this bullshit."

I told the dude to just please send us the tracking number so we could check with UPS. If he really sent it, we'd see it. Then when our nagging little voices are gratified, we'd send him the cash.

"No! You don't know how to do business. If i send you the tracking number you can collect the parcel."

Do you think we're dumb? We'd get the parcel whether or not we have the tracking number. We don't collect it from UPS, UPS sends it to our doorstep!


So I told him we'd send him the money this afternoon, and give him a call after that.
The whole afternoon, all this phones were switched off.
Then all of a sudden, while I was eating persimmons I nicked off the store and the princess was contemplating the fullness of her tummy, he called!
"Hey! Call me back." He said, and he put the phone down.
Weird eh.

Anyway, by this time it was pretty damn obvious he was a load of bullshit and that there was no way we were going to get the tracking number, because there is no tracking number.

It was just a waste of money on international calls, but thank God nothing more.

If there was a way to report him!

All suggestions welcomed, please email me. I don't fancy the idea of other people getting cheated. I actually called up UPS to ask them a bunch of stuff and they told me nearly 2 people got conned daily. *shudder*


In more interesting news. The princess and I are planning to host a party this June at Lempicka, on Mhd Sultan. *grin*
I'm thinking of having a nice theme and some sort of competition.
Oh we'll work on it.
We are after all $1100 richer. In a sense. *laughs*

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